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Power apps licensing

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I have some questions regarding the power apps licensing plans that you advertise. I do not understand what they do and how they have changed over the last year. 
You do not seem to have the /Per app license/ on your website anymore. Why is that? 
If I search for the per app license in the dynamics 365 admin center I can see that it is available for $5 a month but it is not entirely clear what I get for that money. Is it one app PER USER or one app for all users. 
What would you suggest if I have a company with just one app that contains premium connections and 50 users. Is it enough with an /per app license/ or should I get something else? How does the /pa-as-you-go/-plan work? 
I am a little bit confused. If you could hep me with these questions that would be greatly appreciated.  
  • Verified answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Power apps licensing
    Power Apps per app plans license capacity is allocated to the environment.
    When an application using per app plans is shared with users, those users are allocated per app plan license capacity. Each user consumes 1 capacity.
    In other words, sharing an application to 50 users in an environment requires 50 Power Apps per app plans license capacity to be allocated to that environment.
    In Pay-as-you-go plan.
    An application in an environment where a user who repeatedly visits this application is counted as an active user.
    It costs $10 per active user who visits only one app per month.
    However, access to premium applications with premium connectors requires the user to have a premium license to access them.
    In the Pay-as-you-go plan, users can access any type of application without additional premium licenses.
    Overall, the Pay-as-you-go plan is recommended and more affordable.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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