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How to copy "ownerid" column in another Dynamics environment table in Azure data factory?

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Hi, Is there a clear way when copying data(ownership) from a Dynamics environment to another, through "Azure data factory". here an illustration

ownerid  guid ---> ownerid


mapping owner id that way trows me an error 

Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=DynamicsMissingTargetForMultiTargetLookupField,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=,Source=,''Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Cannot find the target column for multi-target lookup field: 'ownerid'.

but doing this way

ownerid guid --> ownerid@EntityReference


the copy data activity  works well but the records ownership is set to the "user application configured" 

I mean like if source entity A the owner is John  in the target entity B the owner is UserApplication  but beacuse when you add a linked service on azure you have to place some credentials or an application for authentication and that user is the one how the ownership is like overwriting in the records.

Any advice or a blog for how to...  I looked some blogs but they said that using ownerid guid --> ownerid@EntityReference will work but changes the ownership :/. Thanks.

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: How to copy "ownerid" column in another Dynamics environment table in Azure data factory?


    Can you create Alternate key in your User table based on Email address and map owner lookup using alternate key instead of using guid.

    Because guid be different in two instances.

  • AndrewMacInnes Profile Picture
    AndrewMacInnes 20 on at
    RE: How to copy "ownerid" column in another Dynamics environment table in Azure data factory?

    I've been getting the same issue where the copy activity seems to work using the method you describe above (i.e my pipeline is successfully executed) but when I look at the owner column in the D365 front end it has in fact used the user account ADF is running under, not the user id I tried to assign.

    Did you manage to make any headway with this?



  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: How to copy "ownerid" column in another Dynamics environment table in Azure data factory?


    Here is a similar issue which you can refer to.

    Getting Issues while copying data to Ownerid field in Crm using Copy Activity (


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


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