Hello all,
I'm working on an AL extension that generates a report and it's going pretty well. I'm following Microsoft's walkthrough. However, I've come to an issue where it's not pulling the related record from the Reservation Entry table. Only the first embedded dataitem (in this case, "Prod. Order Line") is retrieving values. The second embedded dataitem ("Reservation Entry") has blank values in the report. The same is true if I add more dataitems within the Production Order dataitem, they will just be blank. It's only the first. I'm confused about why that is.
report 50003 CertificateOfConformance { DefaultLayout = RDLC; RDLCLayout = 'MyRDLReport.rdl'; dataset { dataitem("Production Order"; "Production Order") { column(RmsNumber; "No.") { } column(PartNumber; "Source No.") { } column(Description; Description) { } dataitem("Prod. Order Line"; "Prod. Order Line") { DataItemTableView = sorting("Prod. Order No."); DataItemLink = "Prod. Order No." = field("No."); column(Quantity; "Quantity") { } } dataitem("Reservation Entry"; "Reservation Entry") { DataItemTableView = sorting("Source ID"); DataItemLink = "Source ID" = field("No."); column(SalesOrderNumber; "Source ID") { } column(EntryNumber; "Entry No.") { } } } } }