We have a long standing client that has had FRx installed and running for many years. Recently the Controller encountered a number of issues with her computer and those appear to have been resolved. As a side effect "we think" when she runs FRx the application opens, allows her to log on, then sits on the build Index screen - forever.
We started to research this and found that when connected two applications seem to start - FRx.exe and FRxa32.exe
When we were playing around we 'stopped the process' for the Frxa32 and wham - the Index page went away and we are able to get to the Catalogue page, select and open any of the report cats and then when we try to Generate a Report - boom - the FRxa32.exe starts again and it is frozen solid. Again, dumping the process frees the computer, but the report will not generate.
So before we get all - its data - its the server - it is not - we have 3 other users that are running against the same server, running on the same network, running against the same FRx Sysdata folder.
Steps Taken
1. Attempt to repair the current install - the error message on clicking repair is that this version is damaged
2. Uninstalled and Installed fresh version of FRx - same result
3. Applied the service pack to go to Frx 6.7 6119 - same result
All this time the other users are fully functional and encounter no errors, no time outs. The Controller is an admin. I have connected as the Network Admin as well. I have logged onto FRx as SA - no change.
The Frx Sysdata folder is located on the server in the same share as the Dynamics Report.dic and there are no errors with this operation. The share is set to Everyone and READ. Again, all other users accessing the data here have no errors.
Thanks for your time and assistance.
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