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Best way to sync configuration (and potentially data) between Dynamics 365 dev-test-prod environments

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Good evening

I checked the documentation, Google and these forums but I could not quite find the right answer: suppose I am starting with a totally blank Dynamics 365 Sales (Enterprise), Customer Service and potentially Finance and Ops Dynamics implementation. I have set up three Environments: dev, test and prod, applied my Environment strategy etc etc.

Now what I want to achieve are two things:

First, when I change some kind of configuration in the dev environment, maybe just such a simple thing as the company holidays, what is the best way to track (version control?) migrate these configuration changes to my test and prod environment? I read about the XRM Toolbox, Data Migrations, the Configuration Migration tool and other options - there must be a best practice, no?

Second, once there is live data in my prod environment, I would like to copy it into my test environment, ideally regularly to make testing as realistic as possibile - same question: whats the best solution here?

Thank you


  • Suggested answer
    PeteM3 Profile Picture
    PeteM3 20 on at
    RE: Best way to sync configuration (and potentially data) between Dynamics 365 dev-test-prod environments

    Thanks PerezAguiar! Not that I don't trust a complete stranger on the Internet I never met but do you have any source for this? I searched Microsoft Learn but to no avail.


  • Suggested answer
    XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Best way to sync configuration (and potentially data) between Dynamics 365 dev-test-prod environments


    To complete what has been said, you can create packages if importing a solution is not enough.
    For example a package can integrate custom code that will be executed during deployment.

    For more information:

    Because managed solutions cannot be customized, be sure to save your unmanaged solution in a source code control for example. To learn more about solution:

  • PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    RE: Best way to sync configuration (and potentially data) between Dynamics 365 dev-test-prod environments


    Correct. There are some settings that need to be manually updated/Configured ,since they don't allow updates via Solutions.  


  • PeteM3 Profile Picture
    PeteM3 20 on at
    RE: Best way to sync configuration (and potentially data) between Dynamics 365 dev-test-prod environments

    Thanks PerezAguiar I understand that for customizing tables, forms or the like I would use Managed Solution, similar how I work with Power Apps Apps.

    What I mean though is the settings I can change when I go to, select my Dynamics Environment go to Settings and change any of these:


    A tiny example: When I go to Behaviour and I want to make sure not do display the welcome screen on sign-in I toggle this button:


    Now my question is: do I have to google this button manually in all of my dev-test-prod environments? Because I have not seen a way how to managed this via a solution.

    Does my question make more sense now?



  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    RE: Best way to sync configuration (and potentially data) between Dynamics 365 dev-test-prod environments

    hey Pete.

    The recommendation when you want to move "up" from Dev to test/prod, is to create a solution on your DEV environment and export it as "managed solution". This will ensure that the changes moving between the different environments are the same.

    For the other way around (moving a backup to Test), you have powershell and powerautomate commands, so you can schedule the copy.


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