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I want to create a scheduled Flow using power automate using an existing CRM View

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I used to used a Tool called North52, I had a view, used the Fetch XML from the view to create a list of records, then run a paritcular worflow on this set of records.

THey are now recomending the Scheduled Cloud Flow, However I cannot seem to see a trigger that would alow me to preform some actions on a list of records

If I select the table I want to use I get the following.. I am logged into the correct environment. I cannot understand if I can see the table Why I cannot select the columns?


Thanks in advance

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: I want to create a scheduled Flow using power automate using an existing CRM View

    I'm a little confused, you're answering your own question?

  • SmcL Profile Picture
    SmcL 5 on at
    RE: I want to create a scheduled Flow using power automate using an existing CRM View

    The answer to this problem is to

    Create the view you want in crm,

    Export the Fetch XML in the advanced find


    Like the North52 paste the fectch xml directtly into Fetch XML query field of the List records. It will work even though we have no dynamic fields.

    Next Create a Select query to get the ID of your table

    Next "Apply for each Row", Update Row using the output from the select


  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: I want to create a scheduled Flow using power automate using an existing CRM View


    I believe you will have to do the following:

    1. Get all your records using "List Records".

    2. Use "Apply to each" loop in order to perform action on a particular item from the received collection -

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