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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Migrate CRM SharePoint on-premisee to office 365

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i'm migrating CRM 2016 on-premise data to Dynamics 365 online as part of this migration i have to move all on-premises SharePoint integrated documents to CRM-office 365 online.

i'm using SSIS kingswaysoft to  migrate data, could you please suggest me best way to migrate these documents to online?

if know any better tool as please recommend me.



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  • Verified answer
    KingswaySoft Profile Picture
    KingswaySoft 545 on at
    RE: Migrate CRM SharePoint on-premisee to office 365

    In this case, you can try to first set up a server-based integration between your SharePoint online and Dynamics 365/CRM online instance, so you can work with the SharePoint site directly in order to keep the relationship between the documents in SharePoint online and the records in CRM online.

    After you have the server-based integration set up in CRM, the entity document library folders will be automatically created on the SharePoint site. (Option was introduced in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update 1 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Service Pack 1). For instance, you would find a folder called Invoice on your SharePoint site.


    Now, you would be able to start your migration/integration, i.e. uploading files to the corresponded folder. The toolkit you would need to use to work with SharePoint on-prem/online is the SSIS Integration Toolkit for SharePoint.

    Within this Invoice folder, there will be several subfolders corresponding to the invoice records in your CRM system and the format of the record level subfolders’ name would be [Primary Field value]_[Record’s GUID in upper case and without dash characters]”. Please kindly see the screenshot below. Note that you would need to follow this format as behind the scene the SharePoint subfolder would be automatically matched with the associated CRM record.


    Take CRM invoice entity as an example, below is one of the solutions to achieve this:

    1. Work with sharepointsite and sharepointdocumentlocation entity if the association between CRM entity and SharePoint site have not been configured;

    *This step can be ignored if your CRM entities and SharePoint site have been configured in CRM*

    1. Use the Premium File System Source component to read files from local, you can use other components to perform the same job, but you would need to make sure the file that is going to be passed to SharePoint is in binary format. If you want to read files from your SharePoint on-prem site, you can use the SharePoint Source component to get the job done.
    2. In this example, we used a Premium Derived Column component to provide the subfolder name for simplicity, you may need to adopt other strategies to retrieve the record’s name and GUID value from your CRM.
    3. Create the associated SharePoint subfolder structures and upload the files to SharePoint using two SharePoint Destination component. Please note that you would need to generate the subfolder name in the format of “[Primary Field value]_[Record’s GUID in upper case and without dash characters]”  as we have mentioned in the above screenshot.

    Overall, the data flow would be as follows:


    After you have done this, you should be able to find the file under the Document Associated Grid for the corresponded invoice record.

    Please note that the SharePoint subfolder name cannot be changed, otherwise you may lose the association with CRM record even if the name of your CRM record has been updated.

    Hope this helps, please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Suggested answer
    JohnAnonymous Profile Picture
    JohnAnonymous 5,241 on at
    RE: Migrate CRM SharePoint on-premisee to office 365

    There's another post on the forum that discusses how to keep the connection between the CRM record and the document location:

    If you need to migrate the documents, you could use the new Microsoft Tool, that's in beta at the moment: Or you could look at a tool like ShareGate.

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