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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

We want to upgrade from sqlexpress 2005 to sqlexpress 2008, do we have to upgrade all the stores POS or just where headquarters is?? is it a straightforward process (click install next next) or do we have to migrate anything?



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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    To answer the second part of your question first regarding importing. I wouldn't recommend you attempt it.

    If the existing environment is presently running on a 2005 SQL instance (which it sounds like it is). You need to work on that environment.

    What version of Windows is on the old server now?

    What version of RMS is on the old server now?

    Is the SQL 2005 Backwards compatibility patch on the old server?

    Look forward to your reply, thank you.

  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    One thing more, if You change the TCP/IP protocol to enabled, you may need to restart the SQL Server service....

  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    Hi Gawayne.

    First of all, do You have installed Backward compatibility for SQL Server? Without that, RMS will not work on posterior versions of SQL then 2005.

    Another thing, turn off the firewall and any antivirus programs thay you may use. Check if the SQL server instance has TCP/IP protocol enabled (in SQL Server Configuraion Manager)... Try to ping the machine from where you want to connect to the SQL Server machine... Try to use the ServerName\Instance name in RMS Admin to connect or copy the server instance name from SQL Server Mngmnt Studio...

    Hope some of these ideas help...

    BR, Antonijo

  • NickZnavor Profile Picture
    NickZnavor 715 on at
    RE: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    Have you already set firewall to allow sql server through? If not you need to before it will allow remote connections

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    I know this is an old post but we have an issue where we have a Microsoft RMS installation with a SQL Server 2014 Database. We are unable to connect to the database across the network, it times out when you try. Is there any way we can correct this or at the very least export the inventory and import unto the the server 2005 infrastructure we have on the other machines?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    Jeff, thanks for the steps. I never replied on this issue and we never did an upgrade. Now that I went ahead and look further into this because of issues we have encountered, I noticed there is a 2012 version. Any benefits out of this new upgrade? Our issues here have been with the HQClient but whenever I dig deeper into the application errors, HQClient always stops after SQL error messages (cache flush??). ANyways, thanks again.

  • Jeff @ Check Point Software Profile Picture
    Jeff @ Check Point ... 13,382 on at
    Re: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    To be honest, I think they scripted the backup, uninstall and new install of SQL 2k5.

    You can do the same manually, backup the database, uninstall MDSE, install SQL2k8 R2 using the above instructions, restore the database.

    We always re-index and run a database Check afterwards though.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    Hey Jeff

    Thanks for the info. I have another questions - I need to upgrade from msde 2000 to msde 2005. I know that customersource had that documentation - but I can't find it on-line. It was also on the 1.3 refresh CD but I could find it on the CD - or maybe my memory is failing me. Do you know the process?

    Thanks Again - for all your contributions to the newsgroup.


  • Jeff @ Check Point Software Profile Picture
    Jeff @ Check Point ... 13,382 on at
    Re: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    SQL 2k5 to 2k8 R2 Express upgrade steps

    Download your Express version from here; You really only need the Database Only version for RMS.

    You can only upgrade a 32 bit version with a 32 bit version or 64 to 64. If you want to move from 32 bit to 64 bit, it must be a new install.


    If installing on XP, Vista, Server 2003 or 2008, make sure you have the Windows Installer 4.5 installed (look in Add/Remove Programs), otherwise grab it here; You will need to restart the machine.

    First screen of the install asks for a new or Upgrade. Select Upgrade from SQL Server 2000, 2005 or 2008.

    The installer will go out and check for any issues that must be fixed before the upgrade, if no issues, accept the license and optionally select the Send info to MS box.

    Next screen asks you select the SQL instance to upgrade, the one to select for RMS is the MSSQLSERVER one (that is the default name that RMS installs, if you've named it something else, select that one).

    Next screen asks to send more installation info to MS.

    Last screen completes or give you the errors that need fixing. If no errors, you're done. I suggest a restart after the install.

    If standalone (single user), you're done, except we always setup for networked environments as you never know what the future brings..


    After the restart, Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and delete the folder. Its duplicated with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

    Start | All Programs | MS SQl Server R2 | Configuration Tools | SQL Services | right click on SQL Server and Stop it, do the same for Server Browser.

    Double click SQL Server Network Configuration | double on Protocols | make sure that Shared Memory, Named Pipes and TCP/IP are all enabled.

    Double click on SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration on the left | double on Client Protocols on the right, right click on Named Pipes | Order | on the right side, click the down arrow once so that Named Pipes is on the top.

    Click back on the SQL Server Services on the left, right click each SQL Server aand Browser and restart them.

    Start | All Programs | MS Dynamics RMS | Client Network Utility | move Named Pipes and TCP/IP to the right with Named Pipes on top.. On the Alias tab | Add | make sure Named Pipes is selected and enter either the Server's name or IP address


    Go into SO or HQ Admin | log into th edatabase | Query | New enter the following, but change the "databasename" for your install.

    EXECUTE SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options', 1

    EXECUTE SP_CONFIGURE 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', '1'

    EXECUTE SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options', 0


    EXEC sp_dboption 'databasename', 'autoclose', 'FALSE'


    Press the F5 button or select the green sideways triangle on the top.

    FYI: The "show advanced options", AD Hoc, Show advanced turns on the old OPENROWSET that 2005 had, "Alter database" sets it to a Simple backup mode so the log files don't grow, and the "autoclose" turns off the autoclose function of Express to stop it from going to sleep.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Upgrading microsoft sql express 2005 to express 2008

    I would also like to know the detailed steps. Is it documented in Customer Source?


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