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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue

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Using GP 2013 (12.00.1894) with old version of AA installed.  We need to start using AA again and are ok with completely wiping what was there and starting over.  I followed the steps to remove AA using and then reinstalled the module from Add/Remove Programs.  I was forced to go through DynUtils to initialize/upgrade AA tables and then was able to log into my company.  However, once I log in I get a message "The Analytical Accounting Dictionary version is incompatible with your Microsoft Dynamics GP version.  You must install the correct version of Analytical Accounting before you can post transactions with analytical information."  I am able to successfully log into my company at this point.

My AA.dic version shows as 12.0.1791 which matches what is shown in the DU000020 and DB_UPGRADE tables.  The dexsql.log and duinstall.log files don't show any obvious clues.  I ran the AA setup process and successfully completed the Pre-activation check and the Create Default Record steps successfully but the system hangs on the Create distributions GL History step of the Activate Analytical Accounting process.  

I suspect I just missed a step somewhere since this is not something I routinely do.  Any help and/or insights are appreciated.  Thanks.

*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue

    Before you create the case, I would install a new install of Dynamics GP without any third-party products, then verify you still get the Analytical Accounting error.

    This way we'll verify it's not a third-party issue before you open a support case, because if we find it is a third-party product causing the error, we'll just refer to the supplier of that product.

    Once you verify that, then yes, a support case would be best, that way we have both the GP Systems and GP Applications teams available to look at it.


  • AwalshGA Profile Picture
    AwalshGA 379 on at
    RE: Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue

    Hi Derek,

    Thanks for the response and details.  Here are a couple updates for you or others who may read this post:

    • I went ahead and upgraded my REPORTS.DIC just in case but still receive the error.  We do not have a FORMS.DIC file.
    • We do have a third-party product that interacts with AA (Advanced Intercompany Transactions from MC2) but when I remove it from the DYNAMICS.SET file I still receive the AA error.  
    • There is another third-party product that has the ability to write to AA tables (Brittenford Invoice Connect) but when I remove it from the DYNAMICS.SET file I get an error and GP shuts down.  I will call the vendor to see if there is an option to launch GP without this add-in to determine if it could be part of this issue.  
    • I only receive the error when going into GP (i.e. not DynUtils)
    • I may have said this earlier in the thread but the DEXSQL.log file does not reveal any clues.  There are references to AA (via PRODID 3180) but it all seems very benign and nothing appears near the bottom of the log that I reviewed right after I received the error.  

    I'm about out of options so opening a ticket may be my best option at this point.  Thanks for your assistance. 

  • RE: Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue


    The AA.dic version of 12.0.1791 is correct as long as your Dynamics GP 2013 version is 12.00.1801 or higher.

    Looking at our case history regarding this exact error, in one case it had to do with modified forms and reports dictionary files not being upgraded.

    Another case had to do with custom code or third party products referencing Analytical Accounting, causing the problem.

    Do you get the version message on both Dynamics GP Utilities and Dynamics GP application? The reason I ask is because while Dynamics GP application will use the AA.dic file, Utilities will use the DU3180.dic file. We've seen cases in the past where the DU3180.dic file isn't updated so when Utilities is launched, it doesn't prompt to upgrade Analytical Accounting, but the AA.dic file is, so when you launch Dynamics GP application, it states you need to launch Utilities and run the upgrade.

    If the above doesn't help, I'd recommend opening a support case so we can look at it, as well as the Analytical Accounting team as well.

    Thank you,

  • AwalshGA Profile Picture
    AwalshGA 379 on at
    RE: Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue

    Thanks Derek...good information.  As an update I'm still in limbo.  Here's the situation:

    * Thought I had AA installed and running with MC2 AIT but logged in today and once again received message "The Analytical Accounting Dictionary version is incompatible with your Microsoft Dynamics GP version.  You must install the correct version of Analytical Accounting before you can post transactions with analytical information."

    * I followed your steps to re-initialize AA but when I ran Dyn Utils I received an error part way through with the message "AAG00200FL' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables".  

    *  Decided to punt and start over.  Ran the steps to completely wipe AA (again) using [View:].  Completely successfully and re-ran Dyn Utils to re-initialize AA.  

    *  Started GP after successful Dyn Utils and once again receive the error in first bullet above

    *  Results of various queries include:

    - Select * from Dynamics..DU0000020 where PRODID = 3180

    companyID PRODID versionMajor versionMinor versionBuild DEX_ROW_ID
    -32767 3180 12 0 1791 11538
    11 3180 12 0 1791 11584

    - Select * from Dynamics..DU0000030 where PRODID = 3180

    No results

    - Select * from Dynamics..DB_Upgrade

    db_name PRODID db_verMajor db_verMinor db_verBuild db_verOldMajor db_verOldMinor db_verOldBuild db_status start_time stop_time DEX_ROW_ID
    ABBC 3180 12 0 1791 12 0 1791 0 2016-07-26 21:58:47.770 2016-07-26 22:01:35.633 2128
    DYNAMICS 3180 12 0 1791 12 0 1791 0 2016-07-26 21:55:52.743 2016-07-26 21:56:28.250 2127

    So it looks like the AA version is 12.0.1791

    * I confirmed this version # on my local install of GP 2013 R2 to make sure I wasn't using a different version of AA somehow

    I'm stumped!  I'm able to enter AA information (Dims, Dim Codes, etc.) but the AA icon is grayed out when I go to enter a test G/L transaction.  

    Not sure what steps to take next.  Going to get some shut eye and hopefully have a fresh perspective tomorrow.  Thanks in advance for your (or anyone else's) help!

  • RE: Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue

    Thanks for the information. I'm sure it'll be useful to others.

    Another option if you're completely re-initializing Analytical Accounting anew, is to run these scripts:

    A. Against the DYNAMICS\system database:

      1. Delete DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where PRODID = 3180

      2. Delete DYNAMICS..DU000020 where PRODID = 3180

      3. Delete DYNAMICS..DU000030 where PRODID = 3180

      4. Drop Table AAG00102

      5. Drop Table AAG00101

    B. Against each and every company database (as mentioned in SY01500 system table):

      1. Drop Table AAG00314

    Once you do this, and launch Dynamics GP Utilities, with Analytical Accounting installed, Utilities will see the databases as not having AA installed and will re-install it anew at the current Dynamics GP version.

    Thanks again!!

  • AwalshGA Profile Picture
    AwalshGA 379 on at
    RE: Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue

    Update #2:  I think I figured this one out.  We are using MC2 Advanced Intercompany Transactions module and it requires different registration keys when using Analytical Accounting.  Since are didn't use AIT back when we previously used AA it was not on my mind to check this.  To test the theory I removed AIT from the .set file and no longer received the error reported in my initial post.  I've asked MC2 for new registration keys which should resolve the issue.  Will update post once I know in case this is helpful to someone else.  Thanks.  

  • AwalshGA Profile Picture
    AwalshGA 379 on at
    RE: Analytical Accounting uninstall/reinstall issue

    Update:  I restored the DB and re-ran the Activate Analytical Accounting process which completed successfully.  I'm still getting the error message noted in first paragraph above however.  

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