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Reports for sales and manufacturing

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I actually joined this forum on behalf of my husband. I am a systems specialist in another field but haven't worked with NAV previously.  My husband is not very good at admin and I pick up systems a lot easier than he does. My husband is a sales person for a manufacturing company and I am trying to help him streamline his work in the evenings by use of reports.  He literally has to go into each order to see if the order was transferred or not.  He does not have access to transfer the orders himself so he needs to check up that his internal is actually doing her job.

I have searched and watched videos but can't get exactly what I am looking for. So if you can perhaps provide me with links to a proper manual or something so I can assist him.  I am giving a breakdown of what we are looking for and why:

Just some background of their company.  Certain things gets manufactured at a different plant and then gets sent to his branch.  Certain things gets made locally and accessories are kept in stock. The problem he has is, if the order has been transferred and the stock comes from the factory, its almost a given that the things that needed to be produced locally was not done and is not finished and ready for delivery and the accessories on the order is also not in stock.  Although the accessories was in stock when he made the order, however it was sold within the 14 days they are waiting for the stock from the factory.

If you have any suggestions for him to manage this issue better by means of reports please help me.  Although they have a production manager, this person does not take responsibility for anything and it is 100% the salesman's responsibility to make the order, check that it was transferred, follow up on when the production was done, ensure it is shipped to his branch, ensure everything locally was produced and ensure it is delivered.  

Here is what I thought could make his life easier. 

  • Full customer list with region/province/state/location of the customer for the whole company.  He wants to see if another area is actually servicing the customer in his area. 
  • A full view per sales order per line to see if there is stock on hand in his branch for each line item, if the line item was transferred when the factory should produce it, how far it is in production or when it will be finished

Your assistance or alternative suggestions would really help. 

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Reports for sales and manufacturing


    I am not a super expert user with Jet. However, you can assistance here:

    Click Login and sign-up. Then you can ask for help.



  • Maryke86 Profile Picture
    Maryke86 10 on at
    RE: Reports for sales and manufacturing


  • Maryke86 Profile Picture
    Maryke86 10 on at
    RE: Reports for sales and manufacturing

    Hi, okay so I have played with the jet reports this whole week until midnight everyday and I can't get everything into one report. Some of the parts of the report stays blank or false.  I need to combine the following reports:

    • Sales Header - Customer No, Customer Name, Order Date, Document Date, Shipment Method Code, Status (Open/Released)
    • Sales Line - Sales Order Nr, Internal Salesperson, External Sales Person, Transfer Order Nr, Line No, Description
    • Prod. Order Line - Status (Released/Finished), Qty Finished, Qty Ready to ship, Qty Shipped not invoiced, Qty Ready to invoice, Length

    I need a date filter from the last 2 months. 

    I linked sales header to sales line with No.

    I linked Prod Order line to Sales line with SAF Sales Order Nr and No

    Let me just give you some more insight.  He works for a roofing company. All of the sheets are rolled and produced in another city, thus transferred.  

    All of the other things like screws, closures, flashing, insulation are supposed to be kept in stock in his branch and flashings produced in his branch. 

    Problem 1:  So what happens, they get there prodocution from the other city every Wednesday.  He needs to ensure they load it on the truck (although its not his job, he has to take responsibility because their logistics is up to ........ so you get the picture.  Now what happens is the truck gets sent to the other city and the truck is to short because there is 12m sheets and they sent a pick up truck.  So he needs to see which sheets are finished. If all of the sheets are finished and what the maximum length is so that he can ask them to send a big enough truck. 

    Problem 2:  When the sheets come the person doing the invoicing and booking delivery then sends the sheets without anything else on the order (screws, insulation, etc) because they either forget to invoice it or they don't have stock.  So I need to see each description, by the time the sheets are finished and he knows by Friday it will be collected on the Wednesday, he can ensure that all other things on the order is in stock and gets invoiced so the customer don't get his order in drips and drabs. 

    Problem 3:  The internal forgets to transfer or invoice all the lines.  So one order can have 3 lines out of 20 lines that needs to be transferred and of course each line needs to be invoiced. so the internal forgets to do this so he needs to check up that all the lines were transferred. 

    Please help me. I am really struggling and would like to tackle it over the weekend. 

    I also struggle to get dates in and even though I filter through location and date it takes forever and then times out.

    Below is an idea of what I would like it to look like and I added the tables at the top.  So any expert???

    Sales Line & Sales Header Prod.Order Line
    Sell to Customer No Order Date Sell to Customer Name Shipment Method Code Finished Date Transfer Order Nr Qty Status Finished Qty Qty Shipped Qty shipped not invoiced Qty ready to invoice Length External sales person Internal Sales person Description
    A01 2021/09/01 Apple Enterprises Delivery     1000             Petrus Maryke Fixtite Screws
    A01 2021/09/01 Apple Enterprises Delivery 2021/09/05 T0001234 200 Finished 50 0 0 0 3 Petrus Maryke IBR
    A01 2021/09/01 Apple Enterprises Delivery     50             Petrus Maryke Closures
    A01 2021/09/01 Apple Enterprises Delivery     10             Petrus Maryke Flashings
    A02 2021/09/01 Alpha Pty Ltd Delivery     50             Petrus Maryke Fixtite Screws
    A02 2021/09/01 Alpha Pty Ltd Delivery 2021/09/05 T0005678 12 Released 0 0 0 0 6 Petrus Maryke CORR
    A02 2021/09/01 Alpha Pty Ltd Delivery     10             Petrus Maryke Closures
    A02 2021/09/01 Alpha Pty Ltd Delivery     50             Petrus Maryke Flashings
    A03 2021/09/01 Antique Stores Delivery     100             Petrus Maryke Insulation
    A03 2021/09/01 Antique Stores Delivery 2021/09/05 T0089101 200 Finished 200 200 200 200 50 Petrus Maryke IBR
    A03 2021/09/01 Antique Stores Delivery     300             Petrus Maryke Flashings
    A03 2021/09/01 Antique Stores Delivery     400             Petrus Maryke Flashings
    A04 2021/09/01 Alpine Glow Collect     500             Petrus Maryke Fixtite Screws
  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Reports for sales and manufacturing


    I would suggest you use Jet Reports to accomplish what you want. You can create the report in Excel and link the field value, using Jet Report formulas, to see the results. Both of the reports you noted are common and easy to create.

    There are out of the box reports but you would need a programmer to add the missing fields and/or create the report.



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