I am upgrading our V6.0x database to 2011 SP2 and am getting an error at the completion of the Database Upgrade Utility. However, I can open the database in SL2011. I am concerned that unresolved upgrade issues may result in errors down the road.
After running the ‘Synchronize all Ownership & Security’ script I am running the ‘V4.1x/4.2x/4.5x/5.x/6.0x to SL2011 SP2’ where I get the error: “Process completed unsuccessfully”
The DBBuild.txt log file shows the following errors.
Database Name: XXX
Error Code: -2146232060
Error Text: There is already an object named 'DF_Item2Hist_BegQty' in the database.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Dropping All Constraints For Item2Hist
(I believe this is from : exec dmg_define_table_defaults 'Item2Hist')
Database Name: XXX
Error Code: -2146232060
Error Text: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated.
I believe this is from: (exec ut_build_indexes '%')
Database Name: YZA
Error Code: -2146232060
Error Text: Cannot find the object 'CY-FYTime', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Statement: GrantSuAppPermissions
If I run the Synchronize Ownership script again I get a failure listing the same one as #3
Database Name: YZA
Error Code: -2146232060
Error Text: Cannot find the object 'CY-FYTime', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Statement: GrantSuAppPermissions
Any Help here is greatly appreciated!
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