Would you pay for Software As a Service (SAAS) for an online portal that would give you missing RMS HQ/RMS functions ? if so how much would you pay for this ?
Features would include,
Intranet Portal for :
Reports (Daily sales/budgeted/weekly/monthly forecast)
Add/Deactivate Employees for all stores
TimeCard punch VS schedules for payables
Internal messaging across stores
Employee purchase reports
Search products via intranet with custom output ( stock @ store level , etc etc)
Ordering system to create p/o's for the non HQ Manager users
Automatic Creation of PO/s for the stores via web and consolidated report for packaging color coded etc.
Web VS online reports
Sales Graphs
Open/Close reports
Commission reports (for employees or managers)
Report for accounting
Also POS modules for
Auto logout after XX minutes
Employee Discount module
Cashier Logout
Prevents a cashier from staying logged in and thus having other cashiers make sales under the wrong account ( 59 seconds timeout and it logs out, if no activity happened.) Transaction windows stays active so no sales can be lost, they just re-login.
Internet Orders Download
Downloads Internet Orders marked as Processing or Open from CS-CART shopping cart, if order already present , will show a popup saying it already exists in the RMS, else it downloads the customer, billing,shipping and line items. for access via ctrl-shift F10
TODO: Add the internet orders popup automaticaly after downloads
Can be customized for other carts
Check Returns
Current RMS coding doesn't allow one to BLOCK refunds at all, you can only block returns in store operations manager (per cashier return limit) but this will break exchanges.
As soon as the negative amount appears on POS then POS popup's a message saying the return limit has been exceeded. so you can't even ADD a positive valued item for an exchange.
This addin let's you have the cashiers have a return limit of let's say 200$ without letting them REFUND on CARDS on CASH.
Basically if they try to refund on any tender, then the system will say UN-Auhorized Refund and stop the refund on the spot, they can then close the tender window or try something else.
Exchange Button
This is a simple class called via a POS Custom Button that will popup the exchange window directly BYPASSING the void/recall/etc sub window.
simply asks for a Receipt # and shows the Transaction screen ready to exchange
Discount Shopping Mall System
System that with an intranet web site allows cashier to post new shopping mall clients, cashier via intranet fills out information on client, then calls central HQ, an employee get on intranet and selects a sticker label with codes for that store to apply on client card.. the cashier then pushed Mall client button that calls class via custom POS button hook and then scans client card, it applies the discount 10% in this case to all ITEMS not currently on SALE...
Purpose is to get rid of Fake discount's by cashier's saying it was a client from the shopping mall (Fake discount reduction 95% in 1 month usage)
Pseudo Random with fuzzy logic label increments unique by store.
Confirm Cash Payments
System that will popup a window with timer from 4 seconds to 0 then enabling cashier to press ok on window and continue cash payment tendering.
Purpose: Cashiers where always hitting cash to fast and then calling HQ to cancel sales they redone in VISA/DEBIT etc.. this way no more errors. Cashiers where also seen punching in the code in the cash box.
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