Hi there.
OK, apart from the uppercase letter in the Password which You figure it out, I would recommend You few things around the RMS SO Store Ops Cashiers / users, maybe they can be useful for You:
- The “1 / Password” user is the administrator, would recommend You to create cashier types, with different security level and use them to create the final users, by copy functionality in RMS SO Manager
- Then, change the password of the Admin user, so only You will know it, don’t leave it as standard
- Sometimes (especially in Headquarters environment, when exporting a new store or simply, when You forget the password), RMS is not recognizing the password of the users / cashiers, so this two tSQL sentences (that You can execute in RMS Store Ops Administrator) can be very helpful
o “SELECT * FROM Cashier” will give You all the records in the Cashier Table
o “UPDATE Cashier SET Password = ‘xxx’ WHERE ID = y” can update the password for a specific cashier, where xxx is the new password (alphanumeric) and y is the ID of the Cashier (always integer value). After updating, the RMS will ask You to change and put the final password for the cashier entering the application
Hope this helps… Regards, A.