We have created a Power App for allowing our employees to access the information from Dynamics 365, on the go.
We have an Azure app configured with Dynamics 365 API access with permissions to:
Access Common Data Service as organization users
And the Azure application has an application user also configured with the system administrator role assigned to it.
Despite this, I am seeing this error:
Unable to enumerate rows. Error:0x80040220 - SecLib::CheckPrivilege failed. User: <id>, PrivilegeName: prvReadmsdyn_caseenrichment, PrivilegeId: 41f6f2f1-30c0-431f-b6c7-b8c97a274f5f, Required Depth: Basic, BusinessUnitId: <id>, MetadataCache Privileges Count: 5995, User Privileges Count: 4624 |
\So, if an application user has the System Administrator role configured with it, is it possible that the privilege to read/ write on a table could be missing for that application,