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Estimate duration of merging data

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I am testing on Customer Insights trial instant with 5000 customer records. The map, match and merge processes take about 5 minutes.

How do we estimate the duration if we run with 100000 profiles or more?



  • Aditya Kuppa Profile Picture
    Aditya Kuppa 320 on at
    RE: Estimate duration of merging data

    Hi Binh,

    Execution times of the data unification steps i.e., Map, Match, and Merge depends on various factors like the number of records, match rules configured, exact vs fuzzy match and the normalization options selected. Therefore, it may not be directly proportional to the execution times of a smaller data set.

    We are making lot of investments in the data unification execution improvements that the performance and accuracy are greatly improved.

    Please ingest your data sources and execute the unification steps, and let us know if you experience long execution items and we we will be more than happy to look into it.

    Please send an email to if you need any further information.

    Thank you!

    Aditya Kuppa

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