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Integrate to the New Long Description Field in Payables Transaction Entry

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With the new Long Description field available on Payables Transaction Entry - how do I upload data to this using Integration Manager?

I am not seeing it?

I do not want to think the new feature was added but no-one considered that new customers would need to upload historical data to it....

  • Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 575 on at
    RE: Integrate to the New Long Description Field in Payables Transaction Entry

    >>Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    @Justin, WHY isn't Microsoft adding the new functionality in GP to all the related products like Integration Manager, eConnect, and even tools like SmartList?  A new feature (like Reason Codes in Inventory Manager) where we tell the client about the cool new feature, and then have to "sell" them on all the customization services to actually make the feature useful - add a script for Integration Manager to bring in inventory adjustments, create a SmartList to see the new columns, etc. - detracts from the excitement (and value) of the new feature that should be included in the customer's Maintenance Plan.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Integrate to the New Long Description Field in Payables Transaction Entry

    Hi Ali,

    We have not been adding new fields to either Integration Manager or eConnect.

    For Integration Manger you could use scripts to update the field.

    For eConnect the workaround is usually to just use a Pre/Post procedure to update the field.

    For small-scale integrations you could also use Macros.

    Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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