Hello All,
I have been trying to export an income statement to Excel in Management Reporter 2012 but am having issues. Specifically, I am generating a YTD income statement for the period ended July 31, 2018. I am having no issues generating the detail but I am come across an issue when exporting to Excel. When exporting, I specify that I would like my report type to include "Account Details" which is what I am assuming generates the detailed report below the general "Financial Report". For reference, this portion is the section that details all accounts that roll-up up into the general buckets detailed in the general "Financial Report". However, when examining the sub-account detail, I noticed that not all active accounts that roll-up into the buckets appear. I am not sure if this is because the sub-accounts currently have no activity but I did notice that several accounts for which there is no current or prior year YTD activity do appear. Is there any way to export a report with the "Account Details" box checked that will list ALL sub-accounts included in the parameter? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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