We are looking to expand usage of SL to a remote location and there is concern about terminal server usage from both a performance and functionality perspective. Any help or insight on the questions below you can give would greatly help. Thanks in advance.
1. Do you use terminal services extensively within your organization, for local and/or remote clients? (How many clients, locations ?)
2. Have you experienced any performance issues with terminal services, and what was the cause and/or resolution?
3. Do your users experience any loss of functionality when using the SL client within terminal services versus a native client on their desktop?
4. An insight on the amount of bandwidth and latency required for an acceptable terminal services SL client end user experience?
5. An alternate option being explored is getting a very large pipe in between the remote location and the main location where the SL system is located and running native clients remotely. Has anyone done this and can you speak to the bandwidth and latency required to make this work?
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