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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Manufacturing allocation

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Posted on by 630

We need to allocate to a MO all inventory being used ASAP but when it does not complete the total quantity needed for the MO Dynamics won't let us progress on to the next number.  Is there a way to partially allocate inventory to a MO in the system?  example


MO calls for 2500  we have 1000 we need to allocate the quantity to the MO so planning and others see we are empty.  When we enter the 1000 the system says continue but it keeps bring us back to that number to finish allocating.

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  • Zhigang Lu Profile Picture
    Zhigang Lu 795 on at
    Re: Manufacturing allocation

    If you already define you manually select lot number, the system won’t automatically select. It is always better to test in your test environment before you deploy.

  • Patrick Patterson Profile Picture
    Patrick Patterson 630 on at
    Re: Manufacturing allocation

    Great information.  Quick question before I try it out.  Currently we have to define what lot numbers go to what MO's manually without the system choosing the lots.  Will this cause any issues for your process?  

  • Zhigang Lu Profile Picture
    Zhigang Lu 795 on at
    Re: Manufacturing allocation

    >Anyone?  I'm told that others have a screen that comes up that allows you to override the lack of product but I can't find the control that turns it on.

    In order to achieve that, you need do the following steps.

    1.Select Tools > Setup > Manufacturing > System Defaults > Manufacturing Orders, check [Allocate Inventory when MO Status because Released]

    2.Create MO, change MO status from Open to Released, a window will popup to ask you [a quantity shortage exists for one or more component items. Do you want to allocate the available quantity for those items? ] If you select Yes, the system will allocate the available quantity. If you select override, the system will allocate all quantities which you need. You will get minus quantity for Available Quantity if available quantity is less than which you need.

    3.You can select Picklist to double check.

  • Patrick Patterson Profile Picture
    Patrick Patterson 630 on at
    Re: Manufacturing allocation

    David thank you for replying.  We are using the Component trx entry screen and for this example it lists 10 lines of product to be consumed.  On the first line we enter the quantity (3000) and lot number to be consumed, no problem.  On the second line when we go to enter the quantity we only have 1000 available to use.  We choose the 1000 pcs and enter the lot number.  When we try and exit we get message saying we did not enter the quantity needed.  We then drop to the main screen, however if we try and move to the next line (line 3) and proceed we get returned to the allocation/issue screen for line 2.  Thus we cannot find away to enter only 1000 pcs when we will need 3000.  We will come back and add the 2000 needed when they become available but for right now we just want to get the 1000 pcs allocated to this MO.

    I hope this helps in clarifying the situation.  I have been told we should be seeing a override screen such as is on the Sales Orders allocation but that has not occurred at this point.  Could the setup be off?


  • GPDavid Profile Picture
    GPDavid 2,250 on at
    Re: Manufacturing allocation

    Patrick, based on your description it's somewhat difficult to tell what windows you are referring to when you say "when we enter the 1000 the system says continue".

    If you want to partial allocate inventory to an existing MO, you would use the Component Transaction Entry window (Transactions | Manufacturing | Component Trx Entry) and change the drop-down to allocate.  This would allow you to allocate some or all existing quantities to that MO.  When you then go to issue (or back-flush) those components to the MO, those allocations would then be dropped as the items are now issued directly to WIP.


  • Patrick Patterson Profile Picture
    Patrick Patterson 630 on at
    Re: Manufacturing allocation

    Anyone?  I'm told that others have a screen that comes up that allows you to override the lack of product but I can't find the control that turns it on.


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