good questions! Inline answers below -
1. Is Campaign response considered as an interaction type to identify Marketing Contacts ?
[DR] - Campaigns are not really used in D65 Marketing that much. You could use them but they have been mostly replaced with customer journeys (automated campaigns).
Campaign response doesn't affect your marketing contacts quota. Customer journey interactions do.
Example use case is - if a lead is created as part of a customer journey, you will have the journey name against the lead, so you would normally use that to calculate the ROI later on, rather than a campaign.
We also understand Lead Scoring Model is present in D365 Marketing app.
1. Does Lead scoring happen just on the configured scoring model or other MS built-in parameters too ?
[DR]: I am not sure I understand what you mean here. However, lead scoring models can be configured to score on any data stored in D365 or in the behavioural database. This means anything you could filter on in Advanced Find, you could use as a criteria for a score.
You could also use behaviours, which are things like marketing form submissions, pages visited, emails blocked, emails opened, links clicked, etc.
2. Is Lead scoring Sync or Async ?
[DR]: Async.
It happens outside of the D365 Marketing App. Your data is sent to external Customer Insights Services, processed and then a score is displayed in your app.
3. Does Lead Scoring work with D365 CE plan ?
[DR]: It comes as part of the Marketing App. Which you can get on its own or as part of your CE plan if you have the number of users required.
Reference point - dynamics.microsoft.com/.../
Hope that helps any. Let me know if not.