In Power Automate, I create a file dynamically and save in SharePoint. After that an HTTP response needs to download this file. the file is in format:
I checked in SharePoint and the file is correct : WashingtonBestITDepartment-ITSoftware&Hardware(But Mostly Software)
I need to escape the special characters (&, :, paranthesis) in order for the flow to download this file in users folder
I need to escape the special characters from the file name (&, :, paranthesis) in order for the flow to download this file in users folder
I realized there is no point in escaping any special character in the path, but just in the file name (this is how the browser changes once hover over the file. But I am not able to generate correctly the link to the file dynamically.
I tried all the below but none give me correct escaping :
1. https://@{concat(variables('Portal Site UrlAndDocumentFolder'), '?file=', variables('FileName'), '.zip')}
2. https://@{concat(variables('Portal Site UrlAndDocumentFolder'), '?file=', uriComponent(variables('FileName')), '.zip')}
3. https://@{concat(variables('Portal Site UrlAndDocumentFolder'), '?file=', encodeUriComponent(replace(variables('FileName'),':','')), '.zip')}
How can I escape the special characters?
Many thanks,