Does anyone have a solution for running 1099s from NAV2017? Last year we were able to back post the NAV2018 hotfix from Microsoft to NAV2017. So far, we have no file for NaV2018 and no solution for my customer to run 300+ 1099s.
The NAV 2017 / NAV 2018 version is the US version. Can anyone point me to a solution to run 1099s for 2023 tax year? As I mentioned, last year we back posted a NAV 2018 file to work with NAV 2017. So far, I haven't seen an updated file for NAV 2018 from Microsoft.
Hi, as far as I know, this feature is not available in the W1 version. You can download the US version, but if you need to merge it into the current version, it may be difficult.
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