Can we do a security setup to restrict users from selecting the 'Shipment/Invoice' option in the Type field of Receivings Trx Entry window?
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Can we do a security setup to restrict users from selecting the 'Shipment/Invoice' option in the Type field of Receivings Trx Entry window?
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It is possible but through a customization. Unfortunately there is no out of the box functionality exist for your requirement.
Thanks Almas! but i just want to restrict a one user who can't change the type of Receiving trx entry. and make this "Shipment" as this default type. so that he can't never change the type,. how i will make it? it is possible? thanks :D
I don't think your requirement will be covered by above sample vba code. What if user retrieve other Type receipt through lookup or navigation button at the bottom? it will not reset Type field to your desired Type. There are other events as well which can change Type filed value. Either you need more VBA code on different events to cover up or better achieve this by dexterity.
Hi what if the Visual basic editor is disabled how to make it enabled or what are the possible ways to make the Receiving trx entry Type disabled to select type and make the "shipment" as default selection.
thanks in advance :)
Hi Steve,
1. Open the Receivings Transaction Entry window (Transactions > Purchasing > Receivings Transaction Entry )
2. Add window to Visual Basic by clicking on Tools > Customize > Add Current Window to Visual Basic or Press CTRL+F11
3. Add the document type field to Visual Basic by clicking Tools > Customize > Add Fields to Visual Basic or Press SHIFT+F11. The cursor should now change.
4. Click on the fields you want to include in Visual Basic, in this case, the Type field.
5. Press Esc key to revert to the normal cursor.
6. Open Visual Basic Editor (Tools > Customize > Visual Basic Editor or Press ALT+F11)
7. On Visual Basic Editor, double click the ReceivingsTransactionEntry on Project window under Microsoft_Dynamice_GP>> Microsoft Dynamics GP Objects.
8. On the Project Code window (right side), paste the following code:
Private Sub Window_AfterOpen()
ReceivingsTransactionEntry.Type.Value = 2
End Sub
What the code does is, it sets the Document type to Shipment/Invoice. If the value is equal to one (1) then the Shipment will again default.
If you wish to disable the document type after setting it to Shipment/Invoice so the users will not be able to edit it, just add the following to the above code.
ReceivingsTransactionEntry.Type.Enabled = False
9. Save then go back to Great Plains.
10. Re-open Receivings Transaction Entry window. Notice that the Document Type now defaults to Shipment/Invoice.
You cannot apply Field Security to a required field.
I am actually hoping to set Type to Shipment/Invoice as the default. Can anyone help as to how I could achieve that??
Most appreciated, Steve
You could look into using "Field Level Security" to lock or disable that field, since the default is Shipment, there should be no other reason to change the field. (The field name is POP Type).
But, if you're not licensed for Field Level Security, this is something that's easily done via customization, either Modifier/VBA (if you're licensed for that) or Dexterity (no additional licensing necessary). Either tools would take only 1 hour to create a solution that would prevent the user from choosing Shipment/Invoice.
Good luck!
Ron DraganowskiFind me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rondraganowski
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