If we click on the tile in the dashboard we get list of record of an entity. In those records, we can see two columns generally one of them is "Last modified on" date. I want to add another date field. Can we replace this date field to the required one? I have already tried applying global filter and everything but everytime it only shows modified on date. PFB.
Hello Aneesh,
I had a look myself but couldn't find any way to customize it.
Did you find any?
I suggest that you create a Power Apps Idea for this feature request: http://aka.ms/PAIdeas
Hi Aneesh,
Appologies, I migth have not expressed correctly my last post. I did not mean the quick search that's available on the Navbar
I'am not able to understand what's the component that contains your All Accounts View in the Dashboard, as I do not see it at the moment on my trial OOB enviroment
Despite of this let me go back to the original question, in attempt to answer your concern. Allow me to take the example of the Customer field available on the Case form
The user is able to retreive for Accounts, or contact records with the help of the LookupView set on the Customer field
In this example, we see that the lookup displays the Account Name, and the Account Primary Address1 data in the card results.
The information that appears in the results of the card is system managed. As far as I am aware, there's no way at the moment to modify this 2 fields from the results of the card entiries
The results that you see on your View works seems to work similar with the entires that we can see in the Customer field. Therefore, I do not see way at the moment to add or replace your Last Modied Date field from this list.
What information do you see when you use the all accounts view in the Customer field? Do you see also the Name of the Account, and the Last Modified Date fields for each hit result account?
Hi Fabio,
Which search bar are you asking about?
I guess you are confused that the list comes up when you click on the search button on the sitemap. So,the list that you are able to see in my screenshot is the list of accounts which opens up when you click on the tile view in dashboard. that tile has "All Accounts" view.
Hi Aneesh,
I am not able to see your search bar inside my Test trial enviroment.
How did you add this search on your theme bar?
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