I am using GP2010 with the VST, trying to make an add in.
I am not sure what is going wrong. I am trying to spawn a serial number mask entry window. I am trying to invoke the OpenWindow function of form ivSerialNumberMaskEntry, from my GPForm.
I snagged the parameter definitions fromthe SDK documentation:
function returns integer OpenWindow;
in string sCallingWindow;
in 'Item Number' sItemID;
in 'Item Description' sItemDesc;
in 'Last Generated Serial Number'nLastSerialLotNumber;
optional inout integer nReturnTo;
optional in integer nTrackingOption=TRACK_SERIALS;
optional in 'Lot Split Quantity' nLotSplitQty=0;
optional in 'Decimal Places QTYS' nDecPlacesQty=0;
When I try to spawn the mask window, I get an error:
Unhandled script exception:
A window field is required.
So, what am I not providing? Do I need a particular field on my Form?
When I use the Before/After invoke events, I can inspect the values that GP is sending for other calls to Open the ivSerialNumberMaskEntry form. When I look, the only difference between what I send and the other calls, is the sCallingWindow parameter. However, if I stick in one of the other window names I've seen, it still doesn't work.
Can anyone provide some insight into what's going on?
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