Hello everyone
I am an IT Support Administrator after some advice/tips.
My company is running a warehouse distribution operation in New Zealand using Dynamics 365.
We are using 10 x Urovo DT50 WMS scanners, all running the Android Warehouse Management application.
One issue has bugged us since the beginning. There is an inherent lag on the handheld scanners between picking an item and moving to the next pick. There is a spinning circle while it processes the scanned barcode that might take 3-5 seconds. This is causing a lot of frustration amongst users and much lost productivity.
Site network connectivity is good, with a 200MB up & down Fibre connection using multiple Ubiquiti AP's. Wi-Fi signal is good across all areas of the pick face with no drop-outs.
Any tips would be most appreciated, as it has become my main nemesis since the beginning of operations earlier this year.