<FOR each="ReportBatch">
<ROW> "Cashier Name |" Cashier.name </ROW>
<ROW> "Register #|" Report.RegisterNumber </ROW>
<ROW> "Batch #|" Report.Batch.BatchNumber </ROW>
<ROW> "Batch Status|" Report.Batch.Status </ROW>
<ROW> "Start Date|" Report.Batch.StartDate </ROW>
<ROW> "Start Time|" Report.Batch.StartTime </ROW>
I want to print a cashier name on blind close out who did blind close out on workstation.
but when I print blind close out on Server computer.
It prints name who logged in Strore Manager Operation.(ex. manager or owner's name)
so I did like this
<ROW> "Cashier Name |" Report.Cashier.name </ROW>
but error message pops up. and not printed.
any idea?
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