We had a weird situation where about 2000 invoices were double paid out of a batch of 20000 invoices. Weird thing is that not all of he invoices on a given check or for a given vendor were overpaid. The sql below was used to find the bad payments, after we were notified by the bank of a problem. We have used GP about 8 years wihout this issue. We did convert to 2013 SP2 in lae October. The only thing different very recently is tha the DBA had added an index to he PM30300 table so a view we are using for an output file would run. Our PM30300 table has about 5 million records.
Anyone have any ideas on why this problem would happen?
SELECT dbo.PM30300.DEX_ROW_ID, dbo.PM30300.GLPOSTDT, dbo.PM30300.ApplyToGLPostDate, dbo.PM30300.CURNCYID, dbo.PM30300.APPLDAMT,
dbo.PM30200.DOCAMNT, dbo.PM30200.DOCNUMBR, dbo.PM30200.VCHRNMBR
dbo.PM30200 ON dbo.PM30300.APTVCHNM = dbo.PM30200.VCHRNMBR AND dbo.PM30300.APTODCTY = dbo.PM30200.DOCTYPE
WHERE (dbo.PM30300.APPLDAMT > dbo.PM30200.DOCAMNT) AND (dbo.PM30300.GLPOSTDT >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2014-01-13 00:00:00', 102) AND
dbo.PM30300.GLPOSTDT < CONVERT(DATETIME, '2014-01-14 00:00:00', 102))
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