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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Direct Deposit Void

Posted on by 1,135
Have a client that needed to VOID a Direct Deposit after the complete payroll process but before the ACH file was created. The Void Process went as expected but the item was still appeared as a payment in the ACH file after the VOID. I had looked at the appropriate tables and the Check History table shows as VOID but the VOIDED flag in the Direct Deposit tables (DD10100 I think) still shows a value of "0", It appears this flag did not update properly by the Void Process. I had then simply updated the flag in SQL thinking that would enable the process to bypass that line item but it did not make a difference. It seems that this should be a basic process in the system and appears to be behaving this way for several years. Is there any process in the system to successfully manage Direct Deposit Voids? Thanks,

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Direct Deposit Void

    Sandip this is the way ACH always worked in Dynamics GP, the ACH File is created at the time you POST payroll. So when you post payroll the ACH fields are updated; if you then after the fact void a Direct  Deposit GP will not remove it from the original ACH file;

    So in the end you will need to work with the clients bank to see if they can remove the line, as it is not as simple as opening the text file, and removing the line as there are totals, hash totals at the file.

    There is a product suggestion on the connect website to add a feature where when you void a direct deposit it create a negative ACH what then can be combined with the original to remove the voided items.

  • sandipdjadhav Profile Picture
    sandipdjadhav 18,265 on at
    RE: Direct Deposit Void


    I am facing same problem. Client has voided single payroll check and when I recreate ACH it still appear in ACH files.

    I don't know why it is not considering voided one?



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Direct Deposit Void

    Answer is there is no way to actually void a DD and update the ACH file.

    The issue is the ACH tables get updated when you POST your payroll and those are set in stone; so voiding does nothing to the actual ACH file, or create a negative amount.

    The only way to do this is void the entire pay run and re-enter, re-run and repost to create a new ACH file. There is a product suggestion on the connect site that I would suggest you and your clients vote for that would allow you to void a DD then create an ACH file with out the voided DD in this.

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