After switching the custom interface code to use GpConnect, the posting process won't start. No progress dialog starts and the application needs to be terminated by the windows task manager. The post process is waiting for something but there is no clue what that is. The GP message that displays when trying to close the app says that there is a process running and can't be closed. After terminating and restarting, batch recovery successfully posts the batch. The custom code keeps data in sync with an external database and runs before posting. This worked fine before switching to GpConnect to access databases.
The ‘Posting’ is successful if any of these are true:
The batch is small (don’t know that the largest successful batch can be).
GP is restarted between the Custom A/R batch transfer and the GP Posting.
In the DEX log the unsuccessful post is showing the last entry being:
/* Date: 10/01/2014 Time: 13:48:02
BEGIN DECLARE @num int EXEC DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_SY00800SI 2, 'sa', 'Test Company', 'RM_Sales', 'DGPI_RBL15', 1, '', @num OUT SELECT @num END
The successful post shows more activity:
/* Date: 10/01/2014 Time: 14:44:07
BEGIN DECLARE @num int EXEC DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_SY00800SI 2, 'sa', 'Test Company', 'RM_Sales', 'DGPI_RBL15', 1, '', @num OUT SELECT @num END
/* Date: 10/01/2014 Time: 14:44:08
{CALL X3_56.dbo.zDP_RM40101F_1(NULL,NULL)}
… more
Randy Leidich
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