Hi BC Community,
My code is below , but when I run it to update the item cost, I get prompted with permissions error for item.modify.
Appreciate any guidance....this should work shouldn't it?
codeunit 60001 c60001ResetDirectUnitCost { Permissions = tabledata Item = RIMD, tabledata "Item Amount" = RIMD; //Permissions = tabledata "Purchase Line" = m; [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Database::"Purchase Line", 'OnAfterUpdateDirectUnitCost', '', false, false)] local procedure MyProcedure(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line") var item: Record item; begin if PurchLine."Document Type" = PurchLine."Document Type"::Quote then if PurchLine.Type = PurchLine.Type::Item then begin Item.Get(PurchLine."No."); if Item.Type = Item.Type::"Non-Inventory" then begin item."Last Direct Cost" := 0; PurchLine.Validate("Direct Unit Cost", 0); PurchLine.Validate("Tax Area Code", 'CA'); PurchLine.Validate("Tax Group Code", 'TAXABLE'); Item.Modify(); end; end; end; }