Hello, Can anyone assist with this situation...
3 bank transactions were individually entered and posted on 9/27/2016. For whatever reason, it seems that they have become 'stuck' in 'Work' status.
They appear just fine in the checkbook register and have cleared the bank and hence marked reconciled. One of the staff accountants noticed that the 3 entries were not posted to to General Ledger. The 3 entries are in the dbo.GL10000 table and have journal entries assigned to them (82009, 82010, 82011). If you try to inquiry into these journal numbers via the user interface, you'll receive a message that says 'The journal entry number you've entered doesn't exist. hasn't been posted, or is in history...' When looking at the document status in GL10000, I see that they are still in 'Work' status.
There is no batch to recover since they were individually posted transactions. Is there a way to 'post' these transactions so they'll reflect an 'Open' status an appear in the GL?
Hopefully this was a clear explanation of my situation. Look forward to any help!
Thanks, Nicole
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