Product : D365 Sales Professional.
I have a need to create an Account system view that filters out records based on custom fields / preferences of the current logged in user.
This is not about security, team, groups, ownership etc. It's simply a user preferences concept.
We can do this in a form with Javascript and Web API, but how would I be able to do this in a table view?
EG We have a field "x" in the systemuser table that is set when the user is created.
So if user "Joe" has the field "loglevel" set to "warn" (choice id #1), the fetchxml in the view would filter based on an entity field "loglevel"
Is this possible? Is there a current user reference for fetchxml like there is in the javascript client API (EG getGlobalContext.userSettings, context.getUserId)?
Am I going about this the wrong way?
Thanks in advance!