I've modified the Payables Transaction Entry window adding a drop-down list with two options in it (see code below)
Option Explicit
Dim bolUserChnaged As Boolean
Private Sub ddlAllocation_Changed()
PurchaseOrderNumber.Value = ddlAllocation.Value
If PurchaseOrderNumber.Value = 2 Then
PurchaseOrderNumber.Value = "ICALLOC"
ElseIf PurchaseOrderNumber.Value = 1 Then
PurchaseOrderNumber.Value = "TRIREME"
End If
End Sub
The problem I have now is when the end user selects an option from the drop down and saves the transaction it's not saving the selected item in the DDL. I'm sure it's because of the save event not being called either from the save button on the form or modal dialog box. I know part of what I have to do is call this procedure:
Private Sub Window_AfterModalDialog(ByVal DlgType As DialogType, PromptString As String, Control1String As String, Control2String As String, Control3String As String, Answer As DialogCtrl)
End Sub
But I don't know how to get the field to be saved with each new transaction.
I appreciate any help!
Thank you,
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