One of client received above error while printing W2, Employee Yearly Salary Details as below.
Employee Gross : 221.999.80
Federal : 209.826.56
Federal Tax Withheld : 40739.12
FICA SS Wages : 113700
FICA SOC Sec Tax Withheld: 7049.40
FICA Medicare Wages: 220826.12
FICA Medicare Tax Withheld: 3381.41
Net Wages: 158648.63
I don't know what exactly I have to do?
Microsoft KB says:
FICA/MC Tax W/H' of $[MC Tax W/H] <> calculated of $[recalculated MC Tax W/H]
Employee FICA/Med tax withheld must equal employee FICA/Med wages multiplied by FICA/Med rate
What adjustment I have to do !!! Please help me.
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