Can anyone help me to display bing maps in case entity and set user address in bing maps.
How to generate bing maps keys and script
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Can anyone help me to display bing maps in case entity and set user address in bing maps.
How to generate bing maps keys and script
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If you want to view or manage Custom Entity records on Bing Map, then you can use Microsoft Certified AppJetty's Quick Maps Plugin. It is also available on Microsoft AppSource. You can take a demo from
Did you try to refer above post to implement in case entity ?? If you want bing maps key then you need to first register/create account , you can refer this post for how to get bing map key :
I am trying to display in Case entity and Can you send me script. Where will i find the authentication key of bing maps in D365.
Bing map is available for Account, Contact, Lead, Quote, Order, Invoice, Competitor and System User entities, but you can follow below post to add it to custom entities, so this should also help you to add it to case entity,
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