Hi all
I am currently in the process of uninstalling field service in my environment according to the Microsoft Article - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/field-service/uninstall-field-service
I am having trouble deleting the solution called 'Universal Resource Scheduling' (MicrosoftDynamicsScheduling). The trouble I have is the amount of system dependencies relying on this solution and I am unable to remove these dependencies (my assumption is because they are system related - msdyn_ ). Is it possible to remove these somehow so that I can proceed with removing the solution? It's the last solution I need to delete in order to finalize the removal of field service.
The reason I am doing this is because I need to export my own custom solution into another environment (which doesnt have field service installed). The solution I am exporting has system relationships created by field service which I cannot remove thus trying to uninstall field service. I can see the system relationships to field service on the entity I am trying to export (Contact) but cannot remove and its causing errors on import to the other environment naturally.
Thanks for any help/tips. Much appreciated!