Hi there,
Since we're on the way to make our app AppSource ready, we'd like to convert old "File Mgt' functions to a cloudready base.
And therefore I'm creating functions to upload files and create folders on a dynamic basis.
We've desided to deliver functions to upload to Sharepoint and Onedrive with the base app. And so I communicate with the MS Graph API to execute my functions.
This works all well when creacting a new folder and upload the file (PDF result of reports).
But..... what if the folder already exists? then I've to know the ID's of this particular folder so I can pass this to my upload.
And thats where it stops for me now. I'm looking for a API call to quick find a result of driveItems based on a filter (the folder I otherwise should create).
Is there anyone with experience with integrating Sharepoint file management with BC?
Base app version is 20.2.
Regards from Holland,