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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

Posted on by 676

Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation. I am facing one frequent issue again and again. Mail to case is at heart of every CRM these days. I have enabled one mailbox( gmail server with pop configuration), associated with a service queue which replies with an auto response mail. I approve mailbox--> enable and test --> approve queue and everything works fine. For every new email received to this mailbox queue responds with an email. But unfortunately after certain hours this feature stops working. This has been happening frequently. Every time I have to repeat the same steps. But CRM stops receiving incoming emails. How will I justify this in front of my client? Am I going wrong somewhere ( I have set polling interval as 5)? 

Context: Dynamics CRM 365

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  • Maicon Profile Picture
    Maicon on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Hi @Mohd Tahir.

    Whe have the same problem here.

    Did you solve ? can share with us ?

    Mail Log:

    Mailbox Async Processing State

    mailboxid : fd5ff995-4b76-e811-80e8-005056ba2740

    hostid: Null

    processingstatecode : 0

    processinglastattemptedon : 07/03/2019 16:56:36

    Mailbox Synchronization Methods (2 is server-side sync or email router, 1 is Outlook sync, 0 is none)

    incomingemaildeliverymethod : EmailRouter

    outgoingemaildeliverymethod : EmailRouter

    actdeliverymethod : OutlookClient

    Mailbox Enabled State

    enabledforincomingemail : True

    enabledforoutgoingemail : True

    enabledforact : False

    Mailbox Idle State (shows how many times the mailbox was processed with no email items or Appointments, Contacts and Tasks to synchronize)

    noemailcount : 6

    noactcount : 0

    Mailbox Backoff Parameters (shows when the mailbox is scheduled to process next time)

    postponemailboxprocessinguntil : 07/03/2019 17:01:39

    postponesendinguntil : 25/02/2019 18:48:44

    receivingpostponeduntil : 07/03/2019 17:00:39

    receivingpostponeduntilforact : 01/01/1900 00:00:00

    Mailbox Test and Enable Parameters

    testemailconfigurationscheduled : False

    testemailconfigurationretrycount : 0

    testmailboxaccesscompletedon : 25/02/2019 18:48:50

    postponetestemailconfigurationuntil : 25/02/2019 18:53:50

    Mailbox Last Sync Cycle Information

    lastsuccessfulsynccompletedon : 07/03/2019 16:56:39

    lastsyncerror: Null

    lastsyncerrorcode: Null

    lastsyncerrorcount : 0

    lastsyncerroroccurredon : 07/03/2019 10:11:30

    lastsyncerrormachinename: Null

    itemsprocessedforlastsync : 0

    itemsfailedforlastsync : 0

    Email Server Profile Details

    Email Server Profile General Settings (servertype: 1 is others, 0 is Exchange)

    servertype : 1

    useautodiscover : False

    maxconcurrentconnections : 10

    minpollingintervalinminutes : 5

    Email Server Profile Incoming Email Settings

    incomingauthenticationprotocol : AutoDetect

    incomingcredentialretrieval : UserSpecified

    incominguseimpersonation : False

    incomingusessl : True

    incomingportnumber : 995

    Email Server Profile Outgoing Email Settings

    outgoingauthenticationprotocol : Basic

    outgoingcredentialretrieval : UserSpecified

    outgoinguseimpersonation : False

    outgoingusessl : True

    outgoingportnumber : 587

    Recent Trace Log details

    tracecode : 2

    machinename : XXXXXXX

    errortypedisplay : UnknownIncomingEmailIntegrationError

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 0

    modifiedon : 07/03/2019 10:11:30

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Hi Nadeeja Bomiriya,

    I'm facing the same problem too. I can already receive email in CRM but just some of my many test email got delivery most of it just gone. I have followed your instruction to set the maximum concurrent connection to 1 but it doesn't help. Here is my detail setting, could you please tell me what should I do to fix the problem?

    Mailbox Async Processing State
    mailboxid : d5923ec6-c2a4-e711-80ff-a0ced4796d9f
    hostid: Null
    processingstatecode : 0
    processinglastattemptedon : 10/4/2017 7:34:51 AM

    Mailbox Synchronization Methods (2 is server-side sync or email router, 1 is Outlook sync, 0 is none)
    incomingemaildeliverymethod : EmailRouter
    outgoingemaildeliverymethod : EmailRouter
    actdeliverymethod : OutlookClient

    Mailbox Enabled State
    enabledforincomingemail : True
    enabledforoutgoingemail : True
    enabledforact : True

    Mailbox Idle State (shows how many times the mailbox was processed with no email items or Appointments, Contacts and Tasks to synchronize)
    noemailcount : 898
    noactcount: Null

    Mailbox Backoff Parameters (shows when the mailbox is scheduled to process next time)
    postponemailboxprocessinguntil : 10/4/2017 7:39:51 AM
    postponesendinguntil : 10/4/2017 7:14:25 AM
    receivingpostponeduntil : 10/4/2017 7:15:47 AM
    receivingpostponeduntilforact : 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

    Mailbox Test and Enable Parameters
    testemailconfigurationscheduled : False
    testemailconfigurationretrycount : 0
    testmailboxaccesscompletedon : 10/4/2017 7:14:27 AM
    postponetestemailconfigurationuntil : 10/4/2017 7:19:27 AM

    Mailbox Last Sync Cycle Information
    lastsuccessfulsynccompletedon : 10/4/2017 7:10:47 AM
    lastsyncerror :
    lastsyncerrorcode : 0
    lastsyncerrorcount: Null
    lastsyncerroroccurredon : 10/4/2017 7:10:47 AM
    lastsyncerrormachinename : BE-PRD01
    itemsprocessedforlastsync: Null
    itemsfailedforlastsync: Null

    Email Server Profile Details

    Email Server Profile General Settings (servertype: 1 is others, 0 is Exchange)
    servertype : 1
    useautodiscover : False
    maxconcurrentconnections : 1
    minpollingintervalinminutes : 0

    Email Server Profile Incoming Email Settings
    incomingauthenticationprotocol : AutoDetect
    incomingcredentialretrieval : UserSpecified
    incominguseimpersonation : False
    incomingusessl : True
    incomingportnumber : 995

    Email Server Profile Outgoing Email Settings
    outgoingauthenticationprotocol : AutoDetect
    outgoingcredentialretrieval : UserSpecified
    outgoinguseimpersonation : False
    outgoingusessl : True
    outgoingportnumber : 587

  • Suggested answer
    Nadeeja Bomiriya Profile Picture
    Nadeeja Bomiriya 6,804 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Hi Mohd,

    Good that you are progressing.

    Open the queue and make sure to click "Approve Email" button.  You should be logged in using System Administrator account (ideally, Office 365 Global Admin as well).

    Please download the Mailbox Log and post it here.

  • Mohd Tahir Profile Picture
    Mohd Tahir 676 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation


    Hi @Nadeeja,

    I changed it to 1 and tried again.

    Now again tested successfully for outgoing emails and incoming emails both "Success". Now let me track emails within my crm environment, if emails are tracked and received successfully there as well. As of now I am able to send emails using this mailbox from CRM but again not receiving emails in  CRM.

    I get this alert now :

    "An unknown error occurred while receiving email through the mailbox Support Queue. The owner of the associated email server profile Gmail has been notified. The system will try to receive email again later."

    Then I again tried testing it , it was successful but I get these errors for incoming emails once again:


    and on the top of mailbox this

    "Mailbox Incoming Email Processing Health: Continuous issues"

    Attached are the screenshots of recent error trace logs.

  • Suggested answer
    Nadeeja Bomiriya Profile Picture
    Nadeeja Bomiriya 6,804 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Hi Mohd,

    In Email Profile, can you please change the maxconcurrentconnections to 1 instead of 108 and try again?

  • Mohd Tahir Profile Picture
    Mohd Tahir 676 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    The exact text in the file is as follows ( I didn't find any need as such to mask anything):-

    Mailbox Async Processing State

    mailboxid : fa8e8f77-03d7-e611-811a-c4346bdcbf81

    hostid: Null

    processingstatecode : 0

    processinglastattemptedon : 1/10/2017 8:35:09 PM

    Mailbox Synchronization Methods (2 is server-side sync or email router, 1 is Outlook sync, 0 is none)

    incomingemaildeliverymethod : EmailRouter

    outgoingemaildeliverymethod : EmailRouter

    actdeliverymethod : OutlookClient

    Mailbox Enabled State

    enabledforincomingemail : True

    enabledforoutgoingemail : True

    enabledforact : True

    Mailbox Idle State (shows how many times the mailbox was processed with no email items or Appointments, Contacts and Tasks to synchronize)

    noemailcount : 3

    noactcount: Null

    Mailbox Backoff Parameters (shows when the mailbox is scheduled to process next time)

    postponemailboxprocessinguntil : 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM

    postponesendinguntil : 1/10/2017 8:09:50 PM

    receivingpostponeduntil : 1/10/2017 8:43:42 PM

    receivingpostponeduntilforact : 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

    Mailbox Test and Enable Parameters

    testemailconfigurationscheduled : False

    testemailconfigurationretrycount : 0

    testmailboxaccesscompletedon : 1/10/2017 8:23:05 PM

    postponetestemailconfigurationuntil : 1/10/2017 8:28:05 PM

    Mailbox Last Sync Cycle Information

    lastsuccessfulsynccompletedon : 1/10/2017 7:22:07 AM

    lastsyncerror :

    lastsyncerrorcode : 0

    lastsyncerrorcount : 0

    lastsyncerroroccurredon : 1/10/2017 8:41:12 PM

    lastsyncerrormachinename : PNQCRMS406ARW04

    itemsprocessedforlastsync: Null

    itemsfailedforlastsync: Null

    Email Server Profile Details

    Email Server Profile General Settings (servertype: 1 is others, 0 is Exchange)

    servertype : 1

    useautodiscover : False

    maxconcurrentconnections : 108

    minpollingintervalinminutes : 5

    Email Server Profile Incoming Email Settings

    incomingauthenticationprotocol : Basic

    incomingcredentialretrieval : UserSpecified

    incominguseimpersonation : False

    incomingusessl : True

    incomingportnumber : 995

    Email Server Profile Outgoing Email Settings

    outgoingauthenticationprotocol : Basic

    outgoingcredentialretrieval : UserSpecified

    outgoinguseimpersonation : False

    outgoingusessl : True

    outgoingportnumber : 587

    Recent Trace Log details

    tracecode : 2

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW04

    errortypedisplay : UnknownIncomingEmailIntegrationError

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 0

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 8:23:05 PM

    tracecode : 127

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW03

    errortypedisplay : ExchangeSyncACTDeliveryMethodNotExchangeSynchronization

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 1

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 8:09:50 PM

    tracecode : 42

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW03

    errortypedisplay : OutgoingTestConfigurationSuccess

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 1

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 8:09:50 PM

    tracecode : 127

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW04

    errortypedisplay : ExchangeSyncACTDeliveryMethodNotExchangeSynchronization

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 0

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 8:09:50 PM

    tracecode : 42

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW04

    errortypedisplay : OutgoingTestConfigurationSuccess

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 0

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 8:09:50 PM

    tracecode : 41

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW03

    errortypedisplay : IncomingTestConfigurationSuccess

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 0

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 7:21:29 AM

    tracecode : 41

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW03

    errortypedisplay : IncomingTestConfigurationSuccess

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 1

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 7:21:29 AM

    tracecode : 42

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW03

    errortypedisplay : OutgoingTestConfigurationSuccess

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 0

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 7:20:27 AM

    tracecode : 127

    machinename : PNQCRMS406ARW03

    errortypedisplay : ExchangeSyncACTDeliveryMethodNotExchangeSynchronization

    errordetails: Null

    collationlevel : 0

    modifiedon : 1/10/2017 7:20:27 AM

  • Nadeeja Bomiriya Profile Picture
    Nadeeja Bomiriya 6,804 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Hi Mohd,

    On the mailbox record, there's a Download Mailbox Details button.  Click that, and you'll get a file.  Can you please provide the details in that file?  You can mask any confidential information.

  • Mohd Tahir Profile Picture
    Mohd Tahir 676 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Hi Nadeeja,

    I tested outlook with POP configuration, the way you had described. It is working fine there as of now. I am receiving emails and I am able to send emails from within outlook using the same Gmail Id. I would prefer to wait for sometime and see if things work fine for more than a day.

  • Mohd Tahir Profile Picture
    Mohd Tahir 676 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Okay I will try this now. To enlighten you Nadeeja , this is the error I got when the configuration test completed for gmail ( not outlook), "An unknown error occurred while receiving email through the mailbox Support Queue. The owner of the associated email server profile Gmail has been notified. The system will try to receive email again later."

    Support Queue was the associated mailbox. Incoming server "" and incoming port is 995.

    Gmail Server Profile:


    Mailbox Configuration:


    Attached are the screenshots for your reference.

  • Nadeeja Bomiriya Profile Picture
    Nadeeja Bomiriya 6,804 on at
    RE: Email Server Synchronisation issues for male to case with Gmail Synchronisation

    Hi Mohd,

    What I meant was add another account to Outlook (I.e. Add Gmail as another account using POP3). Since you can configure Outlook as the client for multiple email addresses from different email providers. The reason I asked you to do that is because one my existing Gmail accounts failed even when trying add to Outlook. So I, created a new Gmail account and managed to add it to Outlook successfully. If it works with Outlook, it will work with CRM.

    If you can provide some screenshots of the Profile configuration and Mailbox configuration, I can assist you with troubleshooting the issue.

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