When entering a payroll transaction is it possible to include the gl account directly instead of using the translation defined in the Payroll Posting Accounts Setup window?
We are in the logistics industry and an employee's pay will hit a different posting account depending on what work they are doing for that day which is based on location, customer, and job code (these customers and job codes are defined in a separate inventory management system). Currently we use the department field in the Payroll Transaction Entry screen to define which posting account to hit and these departments follow a naming convention to represent location, customer, job code (our GP installation has been setup like this over 10 years).
We are now going to be using Kronos Workforce Management system to manage time which will export payroll transactions to Dynamics GP. With Kronos we have the opportunity to include the GP GL Posting Account number with each Payroll transaction. We are going to be using Integration Manager to bring over the payroll transactions from Kronos to GP. In Integration Manager will I have to translate the GL Account to a Department code for each transaction and then GP will be translating it back to the GL Account based on whats defined in the Payroll Posting Accounts Setup window? Is there any better way to do this?
I know we probably should have used GP Positions in the Payroll Posting Accounts window (position is set to ALL for every record) but it may be difficult to change this since it will affect historical reporting.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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