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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Payroll Transaction Entry - is it possible to enter the gl posting account directly?

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When entering a payroll transaction is it possible to include the gl account directly instead of using the translation defined in the Payroll Posting Accounts Setup window?

We are in the logistics industry and an employee's pay will hit a different posting account depending on what work they are doing for that day which is based on location, customer, and job code (these customers and job codes are defined in a separate inventory management system). Currently we use the department field in the Payroll Transaction Entry screen to define which posting account to hit and these departments follow a naming convention to represent location, customer, job code (our GP installation has been setup like this over 10 years).

We are now going to be using Kronos Workforce Management system to manage time which will export payroll transactions to Dynamics GP. With Kronos we have the opportunity to include the GP GL Posting Account number with each Payroll transaction. We are going to be using Integration Manager to bring over the payroll transactions from Kronos to GP. In Integration Manager will I have to translate the GL Account to a Department code for each transaction and then GP will be translating it back to the GL Account based on whats defined in the Payroll Posting Accounts Setup window? Is there any better way to do this?

I know we probably should have used GP Positions in the Payroll Posting Accounts window (position is set to ALL for every record) but it may be difficult to change this since it will affect historical reporting.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  • GPDev Profile Picture
    GPDev 1,755 on at
    Re: Payroll Transaction Entry - is it possible to enter the gl posting account directly?

    Thanks everyone for your responses.  I never received any automated emails from the Microsoft Dynamics Community in November about these answers which is why I didn’t respond earlier. I did get an email from the Dynamics Community w/ Terry’s recent answer so perhaps their email problem is fixed...

    For the solution to this question - I plan on exploring Integrity Data’s Employee Accounts and Splits third party product. If this product does not meet our needs then we will look into turning off the payroll posting to the GL altogether and creating a new integration to the GL from the Kronos file.

  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Payroll Transaction Entry - is it possible to enter the gl posting account directly?


    You are correct that Dynamics GP doesn't allow you to do this.

    The good news is our Employee Accounts and Splits solution for Dynamics GP allows you to be able to accomplish this from the Transaction Entry Window.  Give us a call and we can set up a demo for you.

    Terry Carlton

    Channel Manager

    Integrity Data

    217-732-3737 ext 0210

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Payroll Transaction Entry - is it possible to enter the gl posting account directly?

    Hello Greg,

    There is no way to change the GL account number in the Payroll Transaction Entry window.  But you could do a couple of things.  You could use the position code to help drive the GL postings.  Having the position set to "All" is not helpful.  For reporting purposes, you could use other fields.    But if your file from Kronos has the GL account numbers associated with each payroll transaction, you could ignore or turn off the payroll posting to the GL altogether and just create a new integration to the GL from the Kronos file.  

    Thanks - Perry k

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    Re: Payroll Transaction Entry - is it possible to enter the gl posting account directly?

    Hey Greg!

    I do not know of any way to change posting accounts at transaction entry.

    Kind regards,


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