Hello, There is a need for providing vendor no selection on to sales line. and once the user selects the vendor no for a specific sales line of Item type then the PO will get created for that item. 1. Suppose there are two item A & B and vendor Selected are X and Y respectively then on creation of PO, we will obtain 2 POs for vendor X and Y. We can take help of Requisition lines. The process becomes easy in the way. but the client wants to perform vendor selection onto sales line. 2. Additionally, another feature it should have is that for the same item no, you can select different vendors. Ex- for item A of qty.1, select vendor A and for item A of qty.1, select vendor B. How to customize this? I came up with a solution by providing a vendor selection column on sales line. When user changes the vendor on sales lines then I change the vendor no. for that item on the master item table. My solution works fine for point 1. But for Second point, it won't work as the vendor will get overwritten. The solution i came up with is not efficient, so can anyone help me improve it or provide another approach or solution to this.