Hi all.
I hoping for any insights on an issue I'm experience
I have a custom table that has Connections enabled for it. On a form, there is a subgrid for connections. In our development environment only one New Connection button appears in the subgrid.
In all other environments, there are two New Connection buttons on the same subgrid.
In troubleshooting the issue, I stood up a new environment and added a subgrid for connections on the Contact table. Two New Connection buttons appears.
When comparing the dev environment with the test Environment using RIbbon workbench, the command for the new Connection button is wildly different between dev and test. Previous developers havent customised this button. In the fresh environment, the command for the new connection button looks similar to the one in test.
Does anyone know if this is a know bug with a recent release? Or ideas how to resolve, given there seems to be under the covers changes to the New connection button.
Thanks for any help