How do I get this feature to show up in GP? Is this provided by an administrator or can I add it elsewhere?
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How do I get this feature to show up in GP? Is this provided by an administrator or can I add it elsewhere?
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Hi Accounting User
If you don't see any menu options for Electronic Reconcile, the first thing I would check is to see if it is installed.
A quick way to do this is to go to the \program files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2015 directory. (or the directory where Microsoft Dynamics GP is installed).
Look for a file called dynamics.set. Right click an open it with note pad.
Scroll down the list and look for 1428 Electronic Reconcile.
If you see it then it is installed. If it is not in this list, it is not installed.
To install Electronic Reconcile, you need to go to your programs and features in Windows and look for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 and launch it.
Select Add/Remove Features.
Scroll down the list and select Electronic Reconcile and click on Next. Install this additional feature.
Launch Dynamics GP utilities by right clicking and selecting Run As administrator.
Let the utilities verify the version and make the required changes.
Then launch Dynamics GP from the Utilities menu.
You may need to ensure that Electronic Reconcile is active in the registration window
Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > tools > setup > System > Registration
Mark the box next to Electronic Reconcile.
You should be able to see the menu items now for electronic reconcile.
If you don't, please post again that you have verified that the above has been done and more guidance will be provided.
Also, please note that all workstations will need to be installed with electronic reconcile if it wasn't installed before on them.
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
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