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Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Integration, Dataverse...
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM: Is there a way to enable a user to edit one field on a form but not other fields?

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This field is locked to other users, but the system administrator can edit the field on the Admin form. I do not want to give system admin access, but only enable the user to edit that one field. Thank you!

  • Suggested answer
    TechLabsMatt Profile Picture
    TechLabsMatt 15 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM: Is there a way to enable a user to edit one field on a form but not other fields?

    Hi @cgrady yes you can do this using field security profiles.

    If I am right from what you have said, you have a form with let’s say 10 fields on it. You have user group A that can view and update 9 of those fields, but not edit the 10th. You’ve described that you’d like a different user or user group to be able to only edit the 10th field and either not see or edit the other 9 fields? If I have that correct then please try the following…you may have done some of the first steps here already:

    1. Enable field security for all 10x fields in the table that you are using in the form.

    2. Create 2x field security profiles. The first one will be for those allowed to edit the 9 fields (let’s call that ‘main’ for now but you can call it whatever works for your context - such as form creators or whatever). Then create a second one for the user(s) only allowed to edit the 10th field (let’s call that ‘updaters’ for this example).

    3. Open the newly created ‘main’ field security profile and add view and edit permissions to the 9x fields you wish to allow these users to manage. Also add the 10th field as ‘view’ only if you wish for these users to see the data but not be able to amend it (otherwise they will see ****).

    4. Open the newly created field security profile we called ‘updaters’ and add view and edit permissions to the 1x field you want the additional user(s) to amend. Also add the other 9 fields with just view permissions if you want the user to be able to see the data added to those fields rather than just seeing **** in each.

    5. Add users as required to each field security profile - i.e. standard users that should be able to edit 9x fields to the ‘main’ profile, and the others to the ‘updaters’ profile to only be able to edit the 10th field.

    Note: make sure that all users here have permissions to the main table first, the field security profile will then limit to the relevant fields you’ve defined.

    Hold this helps? - please mark as verified if it does.

    If you need some screenshots to walk you through it, let me know.



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