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Ah.osama, can you send details found on About Microsoft Dynamics (under help button)
Take a screen shot please.
If you have 10 companies already created I am to understand that you have no issues with access to those existing company databases.
When you run the GP Utilities (1) please be logged onto the computer as an Administrator, if you are not (2) right click the GP Utilities Icon and choose Run as Administrator.
A simple way to see if the GP process and or SQL process are still running when you get the screen like this is to look at Task Manager and look for SQL Server and Dynamics - if they are active, then you should see the usage on the CPU column change. If they are not running, then - well then there would be no change.
Hope this helps, but send us more details to get more assistance.
select c.name,c.description from master.dbo.syscharsets c where c.id = convert(tinyint, databasepropertyex ( db_name() , 'sqlcharset')) set ansi_nulls off set ansi_padding off set ansi_warnings off set concat_null_yields_null off set quoted_identifier off
if exists (select name from master..sysdatabases where name = 'DYNAMICS') begin if exists (select name from DYNAMICS..sysobjects where name = 'DB_Upgrade' and xtype ='U') begin DECLARE @SQL as varchar(4000) if ((select id from DYNAMICS..syscolumns where id = object_id('DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade') and name = 'PRODID') IS NULL) BEGIN if 0 = 0 BEGIN set @SQL = 'select db_verOldMajor, db_verOldMinor, 0 as ''db_verOldBuild'' from DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where db_name = ''EG007'' ' END END ELSE BEGIN set @SQL = 'select db_verOldMajor, db_verOldMinor, db_verOldBuild from DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where db_name = ''EG007'' and PRODID= 0' END exec (@SQL) end else begin select 0,0,0 end end else begin select 0,0,0 end
Eng. Shan M
Current ver is 10 without any SP
i am not planing to update now
Upgraded from V 9 since long period
yes without any issues
and i created 3 companies before but now i can't
i am trying to make a new company
The upgrade process should be done by the SA (Power User). Can you please check and confirm about the sql profiler about the proceses is still running ? If not, then you need start debugging from the log files & tables.
1. What is the current version of GP and planned upgraded version ?
2. When the current GP version was upgraded and from which version? Did the upgrade went without any issues ?
3. Are you trying this upgrade in a test environment?
It is bit strange to fail at the upgrade process. Refer the below link
Are you a GP person got knowledge about the GP tables and the SQL scripts ? If not, It is better to talk to your Microsoft partner.
Ah.osama, A simple start to use sql server profiler
another info may help anyone to help me
i tried to log in through other user account not sa user and it gave me
Eng. Mahmoud M. AlSaadi
Sorry i can't do it because i don't how to it
i just have little knowledge about sql administration
but i went to tools then went to SQL profiler
but i don't know what to do there
Eng. Shan M
It's in the GP server
i keep it for 7 hours
but same problem
Eng. Arunprasath
sql server 2005
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.086.3959.00 (srv03_sp2_rtm.070216-1710)
Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.3655
Operating System 5.2.3790
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