Hello there,
We have a challenge with a CRM implementation where many of the opportunity fields have security enabled to avoid regular users to update them, however, some of the workflows we´ve created to automate the form, need to be in real time and excuted as the administrator (not by the user who edited the record), it causes that all changes performed by the workflows to be shown as the administrator as the ¨Modified by¨ on the form, which makes totally sense, but our challenge is to be able to create a custom field to show the actual user who modified the record. It is a set of fields with permissions and other fields with security that make the workflows to work, but we have this inconvenience that can´t know who is the actual user who performed the change on the record.
We need the actual ¨modified by¨ to be able to create other records from an opportunity update via workflow and to be able to assign the record to user who modified the opportunity, not the owner of the opportunity, because it happens not always the owner of the opportunity is the one who follow up on it.
Does anyone know how to address this escenario?
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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