Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Abnormal termination with unhandled exception. Exception key: 2d0c1ed0-2acd-4dff-9049-a3d59706f2aa. Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Core.Exceptions.DuplicateNamedObjectException: Element named: 'CHINTSalesGroup' of type 'AxQuerySimpleDataSourceField' already exists among elements: 'Address, Apartment_RU, Building_RU, BuildingCompliment, City, CountryCurrencyCode, CountryRegionId, County, District, DistrictName, FlatId_RU, HouseId_RU, ISOcode, IsPrivate, Latitude, Location, LocationName, Longitude, Partition, PostalAddress, PostalAddressRecId, PostBox, RecId, recVersion, State, Street, StreetId_RU, StreetNumber, TimeZone, ValidFrom, ValidTo, ZipCode, IsPrivate1, PrivateForParty, RecId1, recVersion1, _RecId_LogisticsPostalAddress, _recVersion_LogisticsPostalAddress, CHINTSalesGroup'. Parameter name: item at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Core.Collections.KeyedObjectCollection`1.ThrowOnDuplicate(T item) at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Core.Collections.KeyedObjectCollection`1.Add(T item) at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.MetaModel.AxQuerySimple.AddExtensionDataSourceFields(AxQuerySimpleExtension extension, Dictionary`2 dataSourceLookup, IDictionary`2 extensionNameMap, IList`1 applyErrors) at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.MetaModel.AxQuerySimple.ApplyExtension(AxQuerySimpleExtension querySimpleExtension, IList`1 applyErrors, IDictionary`2 extensionNameMap) at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.Extension.ExtensionMethods.ReadQueryWithExtensions(IMetadataProvider metadataProvider, String queryName, QuerySimpleExtensionLoader querySimpleExtensionLoader, IList`1 applyErrors) at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Xlnt.XppParser.Pass2.MetadataReaderUtilities.ResolveBaseQuery(AxQuerySimple simpleQuery, String queryName, AxDataEntity view, IRootNamedObject rootObjectForError, IXppcMetadataProvider metadataProvider, IDiagnosticSink diagnosticSink, Boolean preventEmptyQuery) at Microsoft.Dynamics.A
but my project haven't the CHINTSalesGroup and I do not add any query about this to my project.
You said you recompiled custom models, but not with which result. Did it succeed or did you get the same error when compiling a model?
Error seems to be some duplication of a field starting with chint. And the fields seems to be from LogisticsPostalAddress. So can you give a find reference on this table and check in which queries it is used and check where this field is present. As we donot have this field directly try with find reference with related tables where you can see these fields. Once you find you can delete that field. If you cannot find in vs, then go to SSMS and give an SQL query in SSMS and try finding the field there. I believe it should be in LogisticsPostalAddress or logistics location extensions.
Also you can see your custom model and check in all tables where the extensions are created.
It‘s a view extension and I saw it can't load view metadata. what should I do?
recompiling custom models doesn't help. I find where is used CHINTSalesGroup,that project
is also throw the exception which my question describe.
I would start by recompiling custom models. If it doesn't help, I would check where CHINTSalesGroup is used.
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