We have a scenario where charges are included in the Item Price and the charge code is a line code using a posting profile that essentially moves $ out of the Sales GL and into a tax accrual account. It is a line charge setup as a per unit excise tax included in the retail price. When retail transactions are created, we are using an import into the retail transaction tables but it does not create the related charge records in Retailtransactionmarkuptrans. So, we modified the import to include these records, but then the validation jobs are expecting us to add the charge to the header net amount and fails the validation. Adding the charge into the net amount causes the retailtransactions to be out of balance with the retailtransactionsalestrans net amount. Additionally, it is included already in the item price.
We tried configure the released product charge to set the toggle to included in Item price and this still did not work.
Thanks in Advance!