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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Slow Processes

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What can I do to speed up my instance of SL? Some processes take hours to run when it should only take minutes. SQL Queries and reports take a lot longer to run than they should.

*This post is locked for comments

  • Apps Mexico Profile Picture
    Apps Mexico 1,090 on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    You can use something like this to Rebuil or Reorg the indexes debending of the fragmentation grade.

    USE master
    DECLARE @DBName varchar(100), @DBIDS int, @Row int, @Rows int
    DECLARE @Databases_Var TABLE (Row int, DBName varchar(100), DBIDS int)

    INSERT INTO @Databases_Var
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Database_ID ASC) AS Row, name, database_id
    FROM sys.databases
    WHERE State = 0
    --AND name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb')
    AND name = 'wi381502_AppsMexico'

    SET @Rows = @@ROWCOUNT
    SET @Row = 1
    WHILE (@Row <= @Rows)
    SELECT @DBName = DBName, @DBIDS = DBIDS FROM @Databases_Var WHERE Row = @Row
    EXEC(' USE ' + @DBName + '

    DECLARE @reorg_frag_thresh float SET @reorg_frag_thresh = 10.0
    DECLARE @rebuild_frag_thresh float SET @rebuild_frag_thresh = 30.0
    DECLARE @fill_factor tinyint SET @fill_factor = 80
    DECLARE @report_only bit SET @report_only = 1
    DECLARE @page_count_thresh smallint SET @page_count_thresh = 500

    DECLARE @objectid int
    DECLARE @indexid int
    DECLARE @partitioncount bigint
    DECLARE @schemaname nvarchar(130)
    DECLARE @objectname nvarchar(130)
    DECLARE @indexname nvarchar(130)
    DECLARE @partitionnum bigint
    DECLARE @partitions bigint
    DECLARE @frag float
    DECLARE @page_count int
    DECLARE @command nvarchar(4000)
    DECLARE @intentions nvarchar(4000)
    DECLARE @table_var TABLE(
    objectid int,
    indexid int,
    partitionnum int,
    frag float,
    page_count int


    IF EXISTS(SELECT Name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = ''' + @DBName + ''' and recovery_model <> 3)
    WAITFOR DELAY ''00:00:02''

    INSERT INTO @table_var
    SELECT [object_id] AS objectid,
    [index_id] AS indexid,
    [partition_number] AS partitionnum,
    [avg_fragmentation_in_percent] AS frag,
    [page_count] AS page_count
    sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (' + @DBIDS + ', NULL, NULL , NULL, ''LIMITED'')
    WHERE [avg_fragmentation_in_percent] > @reorg_frag_thresh
    AND page_count > @page_count_thresh
    AND index_id > 0

    DECLARE partitions CURSOR FOR
    SELECT * FROM @table_var
    OPEN partitions

    WHILE (1=1) BEGIN
    FETCH NEXT FROM partitions INTO @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag, @page_count


    SELECT @objectname = QUOTENAME(o.[name]),
    @schemaname = QUOTENAME(s.[name])
    FROM sys.objects AS o WITH (NOLOCK)
    JOIN sys.schemas as s WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.[schema_id] = o.[schema_id]
    WHERE o.[object_id] = @objectid

    SELECT @indexname = QUOTENAME([name])
    FROM sys.indexes WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE [object_id] = @objectid AND [index_id] = @indexid

    SELECT @partitioncount = count (*)
    FROM sys.partitions WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE [object_id] = @objectid AND [index_id] = @indexid

    SET @intentions =
    @schemaname + N''.'' +
    @objectname + N''.'' +
    @indexname + N'':'' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @intentions =
    REPLACE(SPACE(LEN(@intentions)), '' '', ''='') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
    SET @intentions = @intentions +
    N'' FRAGMENTATION: '' + CAST(@frag AS nvarchar) + N''%'' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
    N'' PAGE COUNT: '' + CAST(@page_count AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    IF @frag < @rebuild_frag_thresh BEGIN
    SET @intentions = @intentions +
    SET @command =
    N''ALTER INDEX '' + @indexname +
    N'' ON '' + @schemaname + N''.'' + @objectname +
    N'' REORGANIZE; '' +
    N'' UPDATE STATISTICS '' + @schemaname + N''.'' + @objectname +
    N'' '' + @indexname + '';''

    IF @frag >= @rebuild_frag_thresh BEGIN
    SET @intentions = @intentions +
    N'' OPERATION: REBUILD'' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @command =
    N''ALTER INDEX '' + @indexname +
    N'' ON '' + @schemaname + N''.'' + @objectname +
    N'' REBUILD''
    IF @partitioncount > 1 BEGIN
    SET @intentions = @intentions +
    N'' PARTITION: '' + CAST(@partitionnum AS nvarchar(10)) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @command = @command +
    N'' PARTITION='' + CAST(@partitionnum AS nvarchar(10))
    IF @frag >= @rebuild_frag_thresh AND @fill_factor > 0 AND @fill_factor < 100 BEGIN
    SET @intentions = @intentions +
    N'' FILL FACTOR: '' + CAST(@fill_factor AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @command = @command +
    N'' WITH (FILLFACTOR = '' + CAST(@fill_factor AS nvarchar) + '')''

    IF @report_only = 0
    SET @intentions = @intentions + N'' EXECUTING: '' + @command
    PRINT @intentions
    EXEC (@command)
    PRINT @intentions
    PRINT @command

    CLOSE partitions
    DEALLOCATE partitions
    SET @Row = @Row + 1

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    If I'm setting up SQL DB maintenance jobs for an SL installation, I typically schedule weekly indexing when there is minimal accounting activity. The default value for SQL is to automatically rebuild indexes after 10% growth in the database size, but that would be a long time for most SL accounting databases.

    The MSDN web site has a number of discussions re: SQL log management. If using a Simple recovery model, logs typically won't grow unless a DB Maintenance task is run. If using a Full Recovery model, either a SQL backup job or a backup program's SQL agent should handle log truncation of committed transactions. Checking log file sizes should be done following an SL upgrade or service pack installation in either case.

    A large DB log file would affect performance if it continued growing unchecked, where it began to impact non-SQL operations and cause fragmentation of the log file itself. Except when applying DB updates, SL functions rarely lead to large log files.

    I have not seen recommendations for shrinking a database, only for shrinking a log file which has grown larger than desired. Shrinking the data files of a database will lead to internal fragmentation of the tables, which will negatively affect performance.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    How often would you recommend rebuilding/reorgan indexes and how often to rebuild stats for Dynamics?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    Ah okay.  so regular hourly (for example) transaction log backups is the rule.

    but that issue is tied to bad sql planning and lack of scheduled jobs.  

    I see MANY folks recommending SHRINKDB to fix performance issues and I did not understand how it was related.

    I'm a DBA,  this is my life. The suggestions for those fixes were very confusing.

  • Suggested answer
    Mark E Profile Picture
    Mark E 6,405 on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    The SQL Log (.ldf) files contain the Transaction Logs for the database (.mdf).  If the databases are not getting backup up regularly, and the TLogs are not getting truncated as part of a SQL DB Maintenance Plan, they will continue to grow, eat up HD space, affect performance, and eventually shut down the ability to record additional transactions.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    Can you explain what you mean about the SQL log files getting too large?

    how would that cause perf issues?

  • Verified answer
    Apps Mexico Profile Picture
    Apps Mexico 1,090 on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    I prefer the Sql Server way. This link can help you, specially Define the Index Tasks and Define the Update Statistics Task

  • Candice82 Profile Picture
    Candice82 on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    What do I need to do in Database Maintenance? Execute Master Indexes, Views, and Stored Procedures?

  • Suggested answer
    Apps Mexico Profile Picture
    Apps Mexico 1,090 on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    What about the database maintenance?

    Did you have rebuilded o reorganized the database indexes?

    Did you have used the sql profiler to know if you get locks?


  • Suggested answer
    Mark E Profile Picture
    Mark E 6,405 on at
    RE: Slow Processes

    Sounds like you need to evaluate the memory, HD space and resources available with your SQL Server.  A majority of the bottlenecks I see are related to an overtaxed SQL Server.

    You should also check to see that the SQL Log files have not grown too large, which would cause performance issues.

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