Hi Nitin,
sorry for my very late answer. I hope you can help me.
I did the following steps:
- Open the Quick-Create form of the social pane ("Add Task")
- fill in the title, description, etc.
- fill in the new Owner for the task
- Press OK
Result: ---------------------------------------------------------
- The error come up (see the description below)
- BUT: The picked Owner gets the Task but NOT with a filled "regarding"
Error description here: ---------------------------------------
Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed. Returned hr = -2147187962, ObjectID: e37bc35b-7c97-e711-8127-e0071b662011, OwnerId: 2db92efe-7dbc-e611-80f7-5065f38aea71, OwnerIdType: 8 and CallingUser: 58edeae7-71aa-e611-80f9-5065f38a4a61. ObjectTypeCode: 4200, objectBusinessUnitId: 05a5fbad-dc20-e511-810d-c4346bad02e0, AccessRights: WriteAccess Detail:
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="schemas.microsoft.com/.../Contracts">
<ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="schemas.datacontract.org/.../System.Collections.Generic" />
<Message>SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed. Returned hr = -2147187962, ObjectID: e37bc35b-7c97-e711-8127-e0071b662011, OwnerId: 2db92efe-7dbc-e611-80f7-5065f38aea71, OwnerIdType: 8 and CallingUser: 58edeae7-71aa-e611-80f9-5065f38a4a61. ObjectTypeCode: 4200, objectBusinessUnitId: 05a5fbad-dc20-e511-810d-c4346bad02e0, AccessRights: WriteAccess </Message>
-> So my conclusion is that the social Pane creates the task record and writes the regarding lookup afterwards. This write action needs extended permissions.
Many thanks to your help!
Best Regards,